Resolution 00984HEFOLUTION NO— 984. TRANDEDERINC dg,50M.00 FROM TEE MIRTH:RIO LICHT FUND TO TEE C3 MDENSAIFI51 INSURCANCE FUND. ROSOIVED, by the council of the city of Alameda, that there be and there 12 hereby transHbirred. fr om the Electric Light Rand. to UA Compensation Insurance Da,nd, the sum Or Two tbdusand Tire bunrimed and. 001100 (M500.00), The Auditor. amd thm Treasamer axe bbreby authorized to msHe said tmansfer apon thbir respective booklo,. I , the and emsigned , hereby c er ti fy t ha t thb f o re go i ng Res ol at i on. was dhly and regblarly introductd and adcapted by toe conmcil of the city of Alabbda in regular meetirop assembled on Tuesday evening, Samoary 19th, 1926, by the f ollowing rote, to wbA: AYES: Cammulimen Lathe,mb Reiss, Noblet Tr2VEI'S and tersident Otis, (5). O HO: None. 43 a= T: None. TN TESTIMONY WETERFOR, I hare bbreunto set my hand. mcd affixed the official seal of said city this 2.0t4 Ray- of nTandary, 1926. (seas of lib e C 1 ty o f A lam e da ) . W. M. VADCOE, Ci ty Ole rk o f thm C i ty o f Albmb da . I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, Drub And correct cowcy of "Resolution. No . 984. Trawcof err lag .0.ar5OCA55) from the Ole °trim Light ?and to thG Cmmpensation labarance RundF, passel. by the Cmanoil of the City. ot Alameda 1 regolbm amdbbrog assemcbled on t1 eol91 h day of Jannarw, 1926. ooff5sss ,. .. , .sssesseoe .... ebramb—Nmbdawm5 Tfts • Clerh of Mid City of AlazmAbo.