Resolution 00996RESOLUTION TIO, 996.
WHERE16, public intersst and contendence demands the safe of that cortwEin
lot, piece or parcel of land bs longing to said. city sitoate, lying end.. tblag on. USG
western side of Chestnut Street 115 feet north of floc:olio Arenas, for ths sum of Seven.
hundred and !fifty Dollars f$750.00), now therefore be it
RECINSED, that said lot or peacci of land be rind the sums is hereby ordered
sold for thb sum afordmantionbd to Etnest 9, Csrdinet and Delwin V. Oardinet, Sea:Sire
of tha Cardinst Clebnirer f Dyeing Worhs, and the mwyor of the City of Adsmeda ond ex-
offlold president of the count:if of said city is hereby authorized stri 1;:strohtd to
oreoute and deliver a modal and sufficten.t deed to said grafi:tees Egg a:roasts the osow,
in the nnab of said city; and ths city clerk is hereby instructed to attest the Sagie
and affix to said deed. thb corporate seal of said city.
the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolsior was duly
and regularly latrodaced and EgicTta by: the fmmoncil of the city of Alameda in regular
mbeting assembled or +11 16th day of february, 1926, by thb f011owing 'votes to mat:
AYES: Coroollmsn Lothar's Neiss, Nobls, Troffer and Iitesibbnt Otis, (51.
NOES: dors.
if: None .
IN ifESif WEENTO.2, I bore hereunto set my hand and' affixed the o al
sea.? f. said city this l'7th day of eby retry 1926.
An E. 'IA5105,
Olio; Clare, of the City of Alameda „
I Seal of the Ci ty f blamed:ad .
I hereby cortdify that the foregoing is a full, true ardi correct copy of
Resolution do„ 996. Resolution. Authorizing Sale of Chestnut Street froperty",
passed. by the Corboil of the City of Afameda in regular mdeeting assembled on the
15th. day of Tabrueiry, 1926. bsgwoo
-9.M1 addfedilddo f the City 0 00 da