Resolution 01008RESOLUTION NO, 1008. AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SPRLEKLER MYETEM ON COIF COURSE. RESOLVED, by re Council. of the City of Alameda, that SteThenSmith & Cc. be and they Rre hereby awarder t 0 contract for senstructins and iuetullirg a. Tiope eprinkler Rifstehl in the MUnioip61 Coif Course of the City of dioa.meda, for the HUM specified _n their sealed promosal or bid,. to—wit., for the sum of Twenty-three .Thousane Ei..70it Hundred and Fifty Dollars G23,660.00), and the Mayor is. hereby nuthorized and direutad to execute a contract therefor on bebalf of the city. I, thh hndersignhd, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly iatrmduhed and adopted by tie counhil of thh city of Alameda adjorrnhd regular meeting amsembled on the 9th day of March, 1 the follhhdng voth, to witw AYEST ConnailmEn Lathmo, Nhiss, Noble, Travar and ProodEhnt Ot1Mm (5). NOES: None. ABBENT: None, IN' TENNECO:1Y EMEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixhd the offiodal seal of said city this 10th day of EarErm 1921. Wh E. VANCOEM City Clerk of the CiGy of Alamhda. (Seal of the Calty of Alameda). I hereby demtify that the foregoing is a. fall, true and. correct copy of "Resolation. Nh„ 1008. Awardinw Contract for hprinhlor System on Golf Course", passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in cddhrurned regular meetinw hasambled on the 9th day of March, 1926. City Clerk of the City oh Alameda,