Resolution 0101012:160LITTI.027 102.0 GRAITTING A. PIAMIIIT POD a LICENME T6 SAIL 60.7T IhalYKS WHISSEati, application ham amen made by the permon hrrelnaftmr named nir a fmrmat to sell non-intoxicating beverages, commoTL y nailed. soft dcrinits, in the city of Alameda, in accordaamo with the provisions and. requarcrogets of Ordimanos ITO, 262. rif S. of said. city, nom therefore be it BESOIVEla by file cote:nil oT the city' of Alameda, that a permit be and. it is harehy granted and. a licensm is hereby authnrized. to be inamsed. entre and im. mum- notinoe of the provielona of sali ordinance amoschificiat fce sale anti di spergatlon of nonginlagioating 'beverages, ormmonly called soft arinfma by the following hemson and. at the following place. to wit: ME, .7222.6 Pon. Htnor, Inc, 1205 Park Street RESPIVEly that the lieen.se estimator be, ana he is. hereby am tbori zed. afd. directed to issue a Alcor:se to said. memmon nalem the previsions cf matd ordanenme -omen the paytfnt by said perarn to said amity of Alameda of thr license tan of f 2.00 phr year or fnacti on. them:v.:P., payable in advanme. I, tIse undersigned, hereby mertinfy thht the foregoing Remeltinion. WW1 dmly ahh. megvhas hi y d ntrodup ed anh. ad op fed. by th e or anal 1 s f thr el ty of alaird a in hdy our raid. regular meettmg assembled op. the 9th day of March, 1.92 6. by fah following vote, to -wit: Z.:7ff C nanme lmrn Iagli gm . Nears, :Tom. , Traver and Pensfaffet 0 gni ( Et . NOES: None. Noema IN TEnTIMONY W767IffIlfl I have hereunto set my hand And. affixed the offielal seal of said :Any thin 10th day of hiarinc. 19 26, „ ARC 026 , Cy ty Clank of the City s alarneda. (Seal: of the City of AlianeCia). I hereby negtifth fnat the foregoing los a fall, tree and correct. conpf of "Resolonti on No. 1010, fatenneg a pevalt for a licence to sell soft erinlis% passed by the Counril. of fir City of Almmeda in. adnomrnme regalar meetieg assembled on the 9th any of franca, lf2 6. - Clerk Of the 6.1 ty of Aa amed a 2