Resolution 01011RESOLUTION NO. 1011.
WHEPEAf,, the City cf Aldmala has hoquire& that portalm lot, piece or parcel
of land on tile wbst dide of Oak Street between Santa Clara and Central Axenues for an..
addition. to thexpublic library, whith sadM. lot, piece or parcel of land it subject te
tha payment of 032.15 for idle sec ond j YA of c ity taxes for tce fi dual year caUg
lug Shiley le 1956, nom therefore he it
RESOLVED, by the Counell of the. City of Alameda, ttat the hex end. installment
of taxes an said lat, piece or parcel of lama described as. foliage, to wit:
Begirring at a point on the westerly line of Oak Street, distant
S cnthh rly thereon 95.75 fee t from the Si h xt he rly line of Santa. C la ra
Avenue and. rinniag thence Southerly 50 feet to .ko point; therdde at right
angl es Med tardy 141.92 feet to a p oi nt th end; e at right angl es Norther:tag'
50 feet to a point; thence at right waglem Easterly' 121-92 feet to the
westerly line of Oak Street and the point of beginvdng,
amounting to the sum of 1E52.1E, be ard the. same im hereby otneelNad and daak"led, and
the Assessor and the Treasurer ure hereby axthtrized. ard directed to make the recassery
ge s on. their rem ex time books . •
I the ander si. geld d her eby der ti fy that the for ego tug Re m olut or. was Oday
daN. dcgularly intradueett and adeptta. by' the adunoil of the cigy of Alameda ir. reghlgr
meeting ashembled on. the 16th lay of Marche by Mao following vote, to mit;
no sound:Linen Lathan,„ Nei es, Noble. Tuaker and President 071o. (
NOES: None.
ABSIliT: None.
IN TESTIMONY MHENEOP I have hereunto set my hand and affixea the offidj a
seal of sa15 city this lath Uay of March, 1926.
City Clerk of• the City of latxuelom
( dal of II e Ci ty f linseed) .
I hereby certify' that the foree;oirp; is a fall, true. and currhot cogy of
1' 2eholuti on. No. 1011, Candellgrg Second Installment of eify taxes on let aeogoired.
for library", passel. by the Ciauxejji of the City' of Alameda ix. regular mooting. hodembiel.
On the 16th ledy of March, 192S.
0i77 "lerhYdfi'.fild City of Alaseiod,