Resolution 01012R EEO ITICI ON ITO 101.2„ C FELT ITC. 9E919181 I FISTA.LIMIENT OE' CITY TARTE ON LO .1.0,11.)1. 8 ED F HOUSE. 782261,IS th e City of Alamo da hos acen 1, nal that o op Mal n thin a c or "aa re o f land on th e sou taw eat darner of: Four:tooth ana Jett: u in Streets in said, ithyty for the co no Immo eta on Ltd mai dna to me o fr a Eli) c thins glitch odd e o or nano o f 1 and 1. S 21th ee:t t 0 to e payment of $18.08 for the s ea ord. i n stall mem t o f catty taxed for the fl south year en di nz July 1 , 1826, doid there fory It ITSITIld , by the 01111Cti Cf t he Ofty of Alameda ha t theE °cora lias tall ent of taxa s on Saj 10t, pi OCE) or aa r el of lona deo r he d. fral lows , t o t ) Lots 8 and, 9 in Block) 8).1 S t tt '3 thavey amount Tar to the S In 0 f Efthathe e dna th e same Is there's y Q alto othi. rural: el and th Asses ao m and the Treat:or or a7rD heT&lry th trim, ea d roc tea to tab)) the .4 0 th "re gr e C e Cs 0 k I the anderal gnat, heraay o erti fy that :the foregoing thecothoti on 1 2 auly and reMlla ra y 1. nt rod»io a a do ip med. by the 01.7r.C; 'C,f tV.:3 C ty 0 77 .t.„1 winds. r e ohdl a. r uth ng thembl ea. on th e 16 tr dap of Mare h 1926 „ th Tall maths v ot e t CELE othacithman Latham, Ithin Noble , :rarer and Prod la. eat Ota fob ) 11012 Foto ACE EFT e III TEE alththEOF, I hare he tempt o ot my ha nd dirdi f fi. xed. th.o coffl thoult seal o f sal a ady thi E: 17th day f March , 11)26. )9. E. IIII)11081, Ci ty Clark of Idno City o 2 Alamen a 6) ea) of th City of Alameda ) I hereby c tiff that tho for ago ing is a full :„ t boa aida ona oaday of: "Re s ti on No. 1018. C andel ling S econd Ind toll meat of 8 i Tones ou Lot acquired. fo 2 a Fir o Eons o o ea by laths C othich 1 of th e City o f Alameda gol air meet tog a as detti c a on th o 16 th day o f Marc b. „ 1925 ammo :nun- t" City Clout of the City' of Alan oda