Resolution 01024SESONUTION NO. 1024. DECEACING TEN 1.421.5TENCE OP A EMEND -4 -4 AT a3.E1 LINCOLN ANEMIC 3CIEHEASS the oltef of bodice of the „pity of Alameda did on. the DOth bay of Maroh, 1926, notify the city dolma:id of the emistenwe of a nuisawke at 2331 Liwe soln Akesne in. said city as akfined by Ordinance No. 153, N. 3., said. nudaanne being in. the form of a Ohinkse lottery, AND 4ENMEAS, it appears tbat the chief of police found trkt ankh a lottery' was tkinw sand-doted ia said tualdlns OA November 25, id25, and forthwith notified d. A. NkCann, the owner thereof, and. ordered him, to abate said. nuisakke immediatelys as provided. by the terms of Section 2 of said ordinance, AND =aliDAS, on. 20, 192C, it was found. that a NhaiDese lottery was again. being oondukted in said buildink and tha said. nuisawke has not been sakpbeaked. and. kept effectually sakpressed for a pnriod of one year next after the. :service af said notice, sou thedefOre, it is hereby dESONVENA ky the bounoil of the city of blecteda thatm according to the finformwties and belief of said. ockmoil, a liklaik actsance existt and is bking. main- tained in the building Nnkwn. az 2331 Lincoln amenue in. said city and, in.. pi...rd.:lance of. the kpmkisionk of Ordkrance Du. DLEa N. S., of the City of Alamedia,, Jar. dn A, EkCann, of 234.9 Lacifio Awskue, said city, the atmar of said bkaldikaa• is hereby notified to appwas before thk city souneil at its newt regular mkotang to bk head. in the tousail chabler of the aity ball af sada city 74esday eivendrig, April 20, 1925, at 3 s'olosk p- od, and Wbow oauke, if any his has, why said. mule:inks 4kok12. not he abated akd sup-dressed and said building closed and. kept closed for a period of one year next. tharkfter, adatast its use. for arty purykse ,ahatsoevers uniekk sorner released as prafidkd. by said ordinanuem The city clerk is hereby orEktkd. to notify the. arrkr ca said babildinE of the passage of this resolution, in the tiwk, form and manner required by said ordia minks. I, the urkprwimaody hereby certify that tbe foregking desaluticia was Claw and. ambbarly introduckd and adopted by. thk couwail of the aity of Alemkda. in. regalar meeting assembled on thk. Sth lay "f April, 1925, by bay) foldew2np: Tote, to wit,' AYES: Councilmek. Lathama Neiss, Skble Traver and 'President Otis, (5). DONA: Come. ABSENT) None. IN TACTILCY ahENEWE I bake hereunto set my hand and bffiask. the official seal of said alt.' thia 7th aay of Apa41, 1925. Eb Eh ANDOE, City Clerk of the City of Alawkda, of the City o2 Alameda). e LAeslaticp No. 1024, fDTPPlaS 22 a fall. '21226 and oorreat bbny a f 2 herby certify ttet )k- , 12, 21,2e Sadotenacaof a Ldtteuy Suisakao at raci)dyWaNN, a thci ,23:h 3227„.., f „ damoda ro,Nnhar.) mikitimm "sdpriadd DD:37.4takbab43.1: ass Siky Aler4 cf z,he City of alameda.