Resolution 01048RESOLUTION NO. 104E.
WHEREAS, on April 10th, 1926, the council passed its Resulution of intention
86. 80, New Series, to order thw grades of that portion of Webster Street lying between
the segregation line and the approach to the tri8ge nou umandr reconstruction across San
Antonio Estnary to be modified and ahangul as therein specified,
AND WHEREAS, said resolution was posted and published, and notices of the
passage thereof conspicuously posted along said portion of Da:aster Streetg in the timew
form and manner reguired by July, and a. copy thereof publiwhed as rue:Aired by law, all
in accordance wEth the provisions o1 . the statute commonly known as the stheet opening
act, approved April 21, 1908, az shown by the affidavits of publication. and posting
on file with. the city clerk;
AND WHEREAS, no protests whatever have been filed. against said. proposed chwige
or modification of grades, and the. counoil having acquired jurisdiction to order the
chanzz to be made, nor thereforo be, and it is hereby
RESOLVED, by the council of the City of Alamnda, that the graaes of that
portion of Webster atreet lying between the segregation line and the approach to the
bridge now ander reconstruction Across San Antonio Estuary bu and they are hereby
modified and 1,1 "11 so as to worrespon8 to the 'elevations above thh official datum.
plane of the city, at the tor of the carb on both sidos of the street as follows,
At the Sezreaation line the elevation ''03 be 3.25 feet -'
the same now exists; thence northerly on a uniformly descending
grade for a aistanoe of 545 feet to elevation 2,25 feet; thence
northerly. on a level grails for a distance of 1502 feet to the
northern line of. Tynan Avenue; thence northerly Oh a uniformly
ascznaing grade Tor a distance of 046 feet to elevation 4486
feet and the southern portal of thz proposed Estuary Surwayy
thenne northerly on a uniformly •desconaing gradn :for a distanow
-1 418 feet to elevation 2.95 feet; thence northnrly cr. a level
grade for a distance of 660 feet to an intersection with he
O xisting curb grade; thence northerly on a uniformly. ascending
grade for a distance of 161 feet to elevation 5.1 feet; thence
northerly on a uniformly ascending graae for a distance of 160
feet to elevation 6.2 fewt; thence northerly on a uniformly
ascending grade 1 a point on the approach to saia osea
bridge distant 392.67 feut southerly from the center of said.
bridge, at which point the graded shall be 11,6 feet.
Thas reso1 ution. shall be published by two insertions in the Alameda Times
Star, a daily. newspaper whrlishea and. circulated in said city.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing desolution vac duly
and regrlarly introduced. and aeopted by the council of the city of Alameda in regular
meeting; assembled on the afth day of Juno, 1926, l the following vote, to 7111
AYES: Councilmen fathom, Neiss, Noble, Traver ana President Otis, (5).
NOE: oe.
ASENT: None.
IN Lo 3'i 48142.60E 1 have hereunto set my hand and alfixed the official
seal of said city this 16th day of June, 1926.
dity Clerk of the City of Alameda.
(Sual of the City. of Alameda),
I hereby certify that the fcreghing is a furl, true and correct cop of
"desolation. ro. 1046. Ordering tho Change and Modification. of tho Grade of a
Portion. of Weloter Stmzet" passed by tho Council of the City of Alameda 1 regular
meetizg assembled.• en the 15th day of June, 1926.
• eitgende
2 11 e G. 111 1 f Xl.ame