Resolution 01051TESOLUTICE ES. 1051.
RESOLVED, that under the provisions of section 24, r 3 artialu 4
of the Chanter, thn Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to transfer all surplus.
morays to the General Fund, except such. surplus moneys as may be in the several lu-
di"re' t and sinking fund and in such other funds the disposition of said surplus
moneys is othercGse provided for; and bu it further
RESOLVED, that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to transfer from
the idbrary Fund to the General Enna. the stun of Ten thousand, Five hundred and Ninety-
three and WOOS (10E593.73) Dollars; and be it farther
RESOLVED, that the Treastrer be and he is hereby directed to transfer 71 7777
the School General Fund to the General Edna, the sum of Two hundred and two and 68/100
(26277 28) Dollars; and be it further
RESOLVSE, that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directs-a. to transfer from
the Initiative Relief .Puna to the General. Tand, the sun. of One thousand, Four hundred
and. Sin and 85/100 (1,406.85) Dllrs; and be it ffunther
RESOLITED, that the frhasurer be and he is hereby directed to taansfer from
the Eagle Avenue Opening Ennd to the General Fund, the sum of Two hurdned and. Thirty
and oe/loo (23.0013) Dollars; and
The Auditor and. tha Treasurer are hereby authorized to make sada transfer
upon thhir respective boons.
I, the anderaGgned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution ans duly
and regularly introduced and 77 71- by the council of the. city' of Alameda in. regular
maeting assenddlydd on the Sth day of July, 1926, by the fRf.ElynEte vote, to wit:
AYES: Gounoilmen. Lathamh Tales, Noble, Traver and President Otis, (5).
EGES: None,
IE TEGTIMENY wlaudmIE:,, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed. the official
oda]: of snid cidp this 71 h. day of July, 1926.
(Seal of the City of Alameda).
City Clerk of the Gity of Alameda—
hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy 41
Resolution No. 1651. Transferring Ali Sugplus Monays to the General Fund", passed
by the Council of the City of Afnmede in regular 1777 assembled on the Sth day of
July, 1926. radt4PG
itsCRIGnnY)). cf the City of Alameda.