Resolution 01075RESOLUTION NO, 1275.
WOUTH SHPES TO FURNIah EMERGENCY HOSPITAL FACILITIES. 4.44, the fahies at the city hall are inadeqwate for fufnishing proper
first aid treatmbrt to emergbnay sick and iNgred persons, And whoresh the Alanhda Sana-
torium on. South Shore has asmeed to entsr into a contract to farnish such services at its
establishmhst on Clinton Averse wnisb, in the judgment of the annneil, smuld be much msre
satisfactory, rmm therefore be it
RESOLVED, by the Counsil of ths City of Alameda, that ths Mayor to and he is
hereby authorized, for and on behalf of tbb city, to entef into a thAbb-year contrast with
aid. sanatorium in. terms substantially as set forth in the followAng forms
2.2.TITLA,T T-
THI3 AGMEEETIT, made and entersd into this day of October, 1926,
by and between the ALAKILDA SANATORIUM MN SC= LEOLAL a corporation, organized,
existing and on. bnsiness under and by virtue of the constitution add lams of
the State of California, hereinafter called the "sanatorium.", and the CITY OF
ALAMEDA, a municipal corporation of ssid state, hereinafter called the 'city",
Said sanatorium bpreby grants to said city the risnt to establish an
Emergpncy Hospital. and Dispensary at said sanatorium located on. the southern
side of °Upton Avenue between Willow and Walnut streets in. said city, for
the purpose of providirg 'first aid treatment, all .3 he. facilities for conduct-
ng said emergency hospital, including attenhants, nurses, mediotnes, bandages,
dressings and ether necessary supplieft to be ftiruished by said sanatorium,
provided thm HealMh Officer of sagd city shall have general control ar0 super-
vision. thereof. Said Emergency liospital shall be kept open twenty-four hfmrs
...a day, each. and every day in the year and shall be prepared to reader and.
shall rendez first as treatment to any and all. emergency sick or injured.
persons brought thereto at any anS all times and oheasioned
In consideration of providing the .3 1' for• said hespital as afore-
statea, and furptIshLs the necessary attendants, nurses, medicines, bandages,
dressings and. other shoessary supplies, said city agrees to pay said sanatorium
the sum of ONE THOUSAND SIGHT IFINDRED DOLLARS W1,800000) per year, payable
POUR HUNDRED MET WITTY DOLLARS (450.00) thereof emartbrly in arrears.
Said Emergency Hospital and Dispensary shall bb is general charge and .
4. 4. of the Health Officer or City Physician of said oity. It is
matually agreed and understood that said Hsalth Officer shall have the powhr
and authority to diomise any nurses, employees or attendants connected with
the meddoal or nursing staff of said Emergency Hospital and Dispensary, in the
event of their >3 '3 or incompatibility.
It is further agreed ana understood. 'b all emergensy cases treated at
said. hospital shall be disposed of as folihssm
• a. Private, atients shall be referred to ttnir p.riyate physician
and give1 . preference as to diaTosal.
b, 114.4)1.30 3, patibnts shall t referred to the p.toper hospitals,
or 64'4.)' 4.4. ('1 4. proviao for their care.
c. All mental and violent cases shall be referred to the deten-
tion ward as and where provided by the county of Alameda.
d- Intoxicated persons and drug addicts shall be given proper
medical or surgical treatment and referred to 1,51 .35 Police
It is further agrehd and understood that all emergsrmy cases of sick or injured
persons brought to said hospithl by the police department of said. city shall be dttposed
of by said. dhpartment as soon. as first aid. and relief hampb been. rendered, and in no case
shall the patient ranain in thh emergency hospital as a charge of the city. or hospital.
longer tram. twenty-four hours.
It is further agreed that any disputes or minunderstosningh concerning the eras
meaning of any of the 11. ('4.> of this contract, regarding the aunght or kind of ser-
vice to be rendhred hereundhr, or the une of the property of said. sanaterium or of any
othhr matter whatsoever in connection herewgth, shall be referred for settlement to the
City Maragsr,
-1 '1 of the sanatorium and. said. Hsalth Officer; pregvided, this
agreement mhy be modified Or amended, from time to time, in writing, by the parties
hereto, for tbiemphrphse of clarifying any provisions, covering any omissions, or maktng
more specific any of the detadls hereof', othernstse this agreemAnt shall remain in full
force anh °richt for a. perioh of tharee yearn from the date hereof,
IN 1ITEY6S 61161601), said parties, by resolution of thxir respective
bodies, bare caused this agreemect to be duly executed, (sesid sanatorium
being rhhreeentea 1, its president and halA city by its mayor), to become
effective aa of the day and yea.r first above written,
I, the undersi(pled, hereby .aortify that the foroaoing Resolution Tao. duly
and regularly introdwoed sind adorted. by the courneil o the city o" Alnmeda in resslar
• meeting ass,,emlled nn the 5th day of Oetaber, 1926, tF the foll1sowin47.., Tote, to wdtx
AYES: Councilmen Latham, NEiss, Noble, Traver and President Otis, (51.
NOES: None.
IN' TESTIYONY WHEREOF, I hrve hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of said city thiz 6th day of October, 1926,
City Clerk of the Clity cf Alameda.
(Seal of the 'City of Alarreda.
I hereby certify that the foreshins is a. full, true and correct copy of
"Resoihtion No. 1C15. Authoriillg a Contract with the Alameda Ohnatux1am on 'South
Shore to furnish Emergency Hospital Faxianties", passed by the council of the city
of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on thE Oth da.062 p0h-,tasber, 1920.
Oity Clerr of thE City of Alameda.