Resolution 0107822SOL29102.: lo7e. IME2IT 'XII A LICEMSE 20 SELL 2012 DaI=3. WEEMEAS, applioation has been made by tbe persons hersimpftoy named for. a permit to sell amseintotieatimg beverages, ocamohly called soft drinns, in tbo. city of Almelo:bag in ea:hardy:Poo with. the provisions and. ragairements of Ordlnanab do, 262, b. 5. of oatb. city, now therefore be it SESOLVED, by the cons:ail. of the city of 21bmean, that a permit be ana. it is Ocroby greptca 2:fla a license is hereby butherized to be issued under shad. in fogs:canes af the pronaisione of said oteinapte aothcalminee Moo sole and dispensation of ben-intoxicating betoracso, common:ha called soft.. brinks, bY the follovfng passel:Lb and at file following blades, to wit: 1.212123 ablers Cioloen 1212 Lincoln Avenue. Mrs. inlets Slake 1.511 Webster 6trect. e:2501.7.221, tbrat the lido:Ise collector:. he, sha he is hereby euthoeigea nee. alabectapi acy,sā€ž....ā€ž2: wee Total-sons ember thy: provisions oade deo aaoe ahem tho payment. by said parties te said. city. hf a:la:taco of the lb.:cob:a taw.. of a5.05 par vests or fro:sties thereof, payeblb in adv.:a:ace. I, the undersigned, bereby ceettly. that the foregoing scietich was aoLy cold reaftbely tatee1toed adopt:of by the sears:id of the city. cm "leehda renal:se meeting asacteblea ob the alth. day of botches', 192a, by the followlbw thte, to wit: a2211: doweptimen batharb feiss, beblo, Traver ond. frosidont Otis, (5)., 119:ES: ItiliCENT: !Jets. bileeffealleht tiffiaCCM, I hate herowbto ist my hand spa afflapd the offielel seal. of said city this 6th day of October, 1926. W. Et fah:25E, Oitd ftrdoeh oh the atit of 21hthaa, ;teafl. tho t .A7 atoodto) I hereby sertffe. that tho foregoing is a trno and correct nosy of adeeolutich 1.073.. Caanting a Poemit foe a Licehso to soli salt drihksa, passed by the coancil of the city of Alameda in regular testiag assembled on the 5th amg of October', 19f6t City Clathi1M12 the City of 21babba.