Resolution 01082RESOLUTION NO. 1082. NECOLUINT0N OP ;INTENTION O. 81, Nee Series, Se. cy/s' BLS/DING AVEOUE. RESOLVED, thEt it is the intention of the Council.. of the City of Alameda to order. the fellowirE work to be done and imrneremert to he ;rade ir. said. city, toewit; That portions of BLANDING 477.888E, from the eastenn. line of Park Street to a point 266.73 feet easterly of the eastern line of Broadway, inoluaing all street intersections or terminations embraced therein., be iielirOlTeel as folaovky,, That cotstigated. iron. culdirts be installed therein. at the places and of the dimensions shown on. bhe plans hereinafter. referred to; 8 fast time following. portions of Clanfieng fieenne he araded, curbed, glAtered and. pavan! I, The northern 25,5 feet ef Sion4ing avenue between n line Trues; parallel with and dista3t 138;05 feet easterly from tf eastern line of fark Street; 2, The northern 28„8 feet of Slandwing Avenne between a line Tessen foraldEl with and distant 133.C.S. foot eastasly from the eastern line of Park fitreet; Bunning thence easterly 200 feet; S. SPE soathern 28„5 fset of Claudine Avenue betweer a line arawm parallel with and iiatant '190 feet westerly from the western line ob Cdvetett Street, running thence bestorly 100 feet; 4, The southern 26.8 fest of :needing Avenue ketwean a line 8rewe earallel with and distant I9C feet westerly fr,m the nectars 1;re of Eberebt Street; 5, The nnithern 25.5 feet or Blanding avenua between a line draws. parallel. with. wail dilatant 14841? feet. from. tie western idne, 9 . . or nroactoy, I:nun:Ina thence ecstatic 180 feet; 8. The southern 25.5 feet of Blanding. Avenue between a line Steen-parallel bath and diatant 188.1? feet easterly from tie east- ern line of Broodworch running thence eestemly 45 feet; 7. The southern. 25.5 feet of Clouding Avenue botween a. lint; drawn apeowalfDll vitt; on4 distant 140.54 feet easterly frog', tee east - awn line of Everett Street; St The southern 28.5 feos of 31aafieg acccaUe between a lane drawn-Parallel wite. and. distant 140;84 -Peei beef tbe mestere line af Ecosett Strmet, runnana thetna. easterly 45 feet; 9. Tho southern 28.5 fect of Clandring Ayente 'between a sine drone—parallel with and diotant 140.1'7 feet easterly from the east- ern. line of Broadway. Exelnding therefrom all of said work already date to the official. lines gegag „ago ed,ggikagetse zasch euereMems of ilionalne" wor make ca are reperited law to be ihket 131 ordes ca repair PT any perein or cocpcni, PeVice railroad tracks. 1.tichasn, all of aaiC iCrk aeall Lc aone ill accordance with the 'plans and crocifica- tirka ,,,,dorted for said. work and now on file in. Men office Dh the, C'Ity Olerku Notice aS hereby cdren thht on Tuesday, tto lath day of november, 1b28, at 8 o'clock. P, h„ in the council Ch2h137,h of the Souteul of said city, nny eksd 411 persona having any objections to the pre:casco. demi; or improtement may echoer before said. conceif. ard shew chase waists said. phsposed. improvement aennid not be sermled hit in. accordance wi.th. this resolution, The clerk shell. cause tele wecolution of Iotenteon to be published talcs. in b/raseia Times-Stare a doily noweinsooser published and circoleted. in said. saty sed hereby Sesigacted for thmt purpose ty the city csbnuil„ Phe atneat Superintendent shaaa canoe to te conspicuously posted along the line, of said contomalated" Week oTa imfrovesient and. in front of all, the property Italie to Le assossef, ._:h.htieetl of' the euesace 3f knis laisointlen Intontien, bee manner ana farm required by law, &meet as hereinalove noted all of tee herein proposed. yerk shall be done in. nbrenance of or. act of the tegielatare of the State cf Californias designnted. the timcfaremena let of 1:,',11”, apnroved capial.. 7, ibil, and. „amendments thereto. thm tobitmhmhemed; hmreiry certify that. tho :foregoing EregflayEan bac doily amid regalarly introduro0 and affmted bro the council of' the city car Alammaa. in regular mmeting osserMled on. the 19th day of Ootobor, 192S, by the. :Conchal:mg vote, to gaLin 2.02.212: Coahrilmmh Imthamn Neiss, Nob la, Traver and. Nrosident Otis, (8M, NOE8: None„ AliSENT: None, IN TEST81887.6 688,2128.2t I. hove hemeanto set my hand. anf afifmaa the seal of said eitx thfs 2fith day of Ostolemra 1926. (Seal. f th e City of Eilamoda). Nt E. vAacoE, giity Olerk of the Oity of Alameda. I hereby dortify that the. foregoing is a Narim trao and horroct oopy of "Ermalation No. 1082., hasolation of Iftention No. 81, Nem' ;defies., 2,e Imbromemmat of Blafring Avehum", passef by the coomoil of the cit. of Alaterdm in reganar meetfaig assembled on ths, 19th day of °ember, 1826— OitEr ;Eta the 0 Aisne