Resolution 01084hESOICIPION 70. 1084.
WITIECIE/S, mpplicatlen has bees made by the persons hereinafter named for
a. permit to •sell nenwintsdaicatikg 'coverages, commonly called soft drinks, in the
eity' of alemede, in eccordanse with.. the provisions sal reoalroments of Ordismase
No:, 262, N. 3. of said oity, nob; therefore be it
MiTI3OPTED, by the coussil of the city of Alameda, twat a remPgt be anh it
is hereby granted end a. license is, idirety authorized to be issued. under nisi is :ours
ademse of ths provisions of amid on:liner:so astherizing the. sale and dispensation
of nonsistchicatin beverages., commonly called. soft 1rinks, by tte fed/owing persons
arE at thad Polishing places, to eft:
Martin. Johnson
Ed A. kackman
1301. Park. Street
1300 SC gh Street
722 ddentrad. Avenue
1ESOIVED, that the 11sense collector te, mand he is hereby entlorized and
directed to issus a lisense to. said persona ander the provisions of said. ed.:Sit:an:de
;apse the peymeht hy said. parties to said city of Alameda of.' the lidecse tmk df 35.00
peuu yea.r or. fraction th.Drecy?.., 7)) a yell lo in a dr ano e
I, ths mndorsisned, hereby certify that tne fore ins ;desolation wee duay
aa d introessed and ad mated bp tke Couneki. of the di It; of Alan eim rotalmr
we off lig a se:reeled obi o 1,01) e h dewy of October, "19 25, by e foil ow in geoto, vi 1):
AMAS; idcancilmon Mends:ow aedra, dialMe, Traver and President Otis, (5),,
Mide; Naha,:
m0SEST: Mena,
IT' TESIIMPTY akiM011T, I hats hahousta set nt hare amd hfflesd the official.
seal of sped aity this 20t3 dav of °etcher, 122E,
City dlerM of lee City all adds
e of fee G 1,„y Al a me de) ) ,
isheby certify that the foreseita is a. , true And 0mareab eapy of
ikesolution NS. 1084., Grent1rg' a Permit o a Lionare to Todd Sokt Drishrs, esssdai
by the ceasail of ths city. cid idomade in 20.,:Zjaar rooting aaseadried an the isth. May
of 7E2Cm
0 it y 1 feet owl) r Le 0ity ad a r)