Resolution 01091GESOLUTION NO. 1091.
E SOLVED, that whereas the Council of the City of Alameda did on the 19th
day of October, 1926, pass its Resolution. of intention. No. 91, N. S. to order the
hereinafter described work to be done aed improvement to be made in said city, thach
Gesolution of intention was duly and legal:by published as required by law, as appears
from tie affidavit of 9. Beats Putman now on file in the office of the city clerk of
said city; and whereas, notices of the nassage of said Gesolution of Intention No. 81,
N. S. hcahed "Notice of irseoveriest were duly and legally posted•along the line of
said conterphated work and improvement and in. front of all the property liable to be
assessed therefor, and on each and every street anE highwey in the assessnemit district
described 1 Said Gesolation of intention, in time, form, manner and number as requared
by law, after the passage of said Gesolation of Intention, as appears from the affidavit
of George E. >3 0L"3 whs personally posted. the sarm, and who, apon the completion.. of
the posting of said notions, forthwith filed. sail affidavit in the office of the. city
clerk, mmktng oath that he completed the -posting of said notices on the 23rd. day of
October, 1926; and saia Counmil having now' secs:tired jarisdietion to order thn proposed.
mproverenta. it is hereby
GESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience 0. 111 the work herein de-
cribed and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following work to be
done and improvement to be rade in, said city, to-wit:
That pertienw of BIrMILIMSG AVIENVt from the eastern line of Park
Stre71 . to a point 266.73 feet easterly of the eastern line of Broad-
way, including all street intersections or terrtnations embraced
therein, be 1" 71 as follows:
That corrugated. iron culverts be installed therein at the places
and of the dimensions shown on Use plans heeeinafter referred to.
Chat the following portions of Blanding Avenpe be graded, curbed,
guttered anh paved:
1 - The northern 25.5 feet of Blanding Avenue between
line drawn parallel with and distant 19.5.0 33 eet easterly from
the eastern line of Park Street;
- The nontLern 25,5 feet of Blanding .301 >9 between a.
line drawn parallel with and distant 183.033 feet easterly from.
the eastern linm of Park Street; running thence easterly 200
3 - The southern Pb.5 feet of Blanding Avenue between a
line drawn parallel with amd distant 190 feet westerly from
the western line of Emerett Street, immmaMig thence aesterly
1CP feet;
4 - The southern 2513 5 feet of IEkm:XErog; Avenue botamea a
line drawn parallel wtth and distant 190 feet wemterly from
the western line of Everett Street;
5 - The northern 25.5 feet of Pleading Avenue botweeh a
line draam ;petalled with and distant 140.17 feet from the
western line of Broadway, running thence westerly 1335 feet;
- The southern 25.5 feet of Blanding Avenue between a"
line drawn paEallel with and distant 185.17 feet westerly from
the western line of Brsadway, ;sinning thence westerly 45 feet;
7 - The soathern 25.5 feot of Slandley Avenue between a
line drawn parallel with and distant 140.54 foot easterly from
thm eastern line of Everett Street;
8 - The southern 25.5 feet of Etemhbais Avenue between
line drawn neesilel with and distaat 110.5a feet from the
eastern line of Everett Streetm ranning thence eastexly 45
9 - The southern 25.5 feet of BlandImg Avenue between
line drawn parallel atth and distant 140.17 feet easterly
from the eastern line of "0' 1.
Excluding therefrom all of said work already done to the official
lines and: grade; also excluding such portions of Blanding Avenue as
are repaired by law to be kept in crier or repair by any person or
coo:pa:my having radlroad trockm thereon.
All of said work Stall be dere in acoorEance with the plans and
specifications adopted for said woak and now on file bn the office
of the City Clerk.
The City Clerk is hereby instructed. to post a nstice of said. abWht, together
with 571 plamm and speCifications theretker, conspicuously for. five days on or near
the council charler door, inviting sealed proposals or bids far doing the 'bark ordered.
• He is also directed to publish twice a notice inviting such pnisosals, and referring
to the Specifications posted or on file, in the .1 .o,71 Times-btar, a newspaper pub-
lished BIA circulated 1 n 3 aid 33 ty and hereby "3 113' far that purpose.
7"..y certify that the forees'irg resoltation was duly and regularly
adept wancil of tie LL/ of Asameda at a regular heetibg thereof held
Bovem ( h by the folloving vote to-wit:
e: douncilmen Letham, 'Seise, Noble nnd ?rever, (4).
1r'1',1 'it Otis, (1).
he:ea-con it wes flied in my office cn the same day, and :ecerded on
PcCe of the recerd,
Bity Clerk.
leal of the City of Alameda)
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
"Resalation. No. 1191. Besalation Ordering the Work passed by the council of
the oity of Alameda in regular. 81' assembled on the 1.6th day. of Notewmter, 1926.