Resolution 01094-25i1J8,10 16,0 1094. CANCELLING TAXES CP PHODERTY .&00IaBD BY THE CHOY. UHE16)48, thb real prophrty situated. on the northern side of Central Abence, 110 feet east of Calchit Street then east 47 feet by north 20718 feet, and assessed to Drallsord, has been or is about to be see:Aired by. the city for the purpose of constructing and malift)niming thereon a veterans' memerial buildAns, AND 066EREAS, said property has been assessed. and taxes have been levied thereon for the fiscal year of 1926-1927 in the sum of Seventy-tne and 90400 Dollars 72.901, nom therefore it is hereby CESCIEED, by the Council of the City of Alibida that, for tbs. boapess of alsaming the records, sa,id taxes for tbh fiscal year of 1926-182H be, the same Fire hereby cancelled and, declared null and void R2806080, that the Auditor and Treasurer be, and nhey are hereby instructed to make the necossary chanhs thatir ressectitb becks. I, the undersigked, hereby certify that the foreseins Resolution. was Uhly ana receleafLy intredaned and adopted by council of the city of• niemeda in regular meeting assembled on. the Stb. day of Decticibsm 1926, by the following voten to Kit: AILS: Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Noble and President Otis, (4). NOES: None. AL3E)1T: Coancilsen Traver, (1). 7,4 TECTILLE7 CH20802, I have heusunto set my hand and affixed the official semi of said city tbie 8th. day of December, 1026. WU 2, VAJACCE, Colty Clerk of the City of klamde. (deal oC the City of Alameds). i herebw certify that the foregeihs is a foal, true ash. ourfct cohy of "Hosolation Ho. 1094. Cancelling tabes on. tmehrty suabired, by the city , passed by the counolk of the city of AlLmeds, in. roshiar meeting assembled. on -inch 7th day of December, 1.926. .48)4E7,8' ...-• ,4840P44-.••2' oghogi - n City Ciefinof.hiPhe City of nlameda,