Resolution 01108HESOLUE I Off bilh 112)0.,
CfnS(ICIS A p. Earl c To A. IC5,5E:ISE 2/ SELL 5211T 1,051,22 )
WIralltEAS, appl.loerti oh been made by the( pore on hereinafter name d fOr a.
permit to selt1 erne int oral cat ing bego rage oceembeely called s t dranks in the pity
of e, a a, in 2. 2 20 da 110 th the r visions and' r o (pile ement S Of 0 .?;.' Leine e So, 252,
IT, 2., of smaid Y.101C: the Telford he it
SEESSIVELI by the cease= of te,e ty of aloe:ode , that a roam:it he arra it
is hereby gra nte 5 and a license is Ile reby ()tithe ri) sod to 'be issue d. ander on 5 in pom-
eatence of the pro viol. one of said ordinance anthori Eng the sale skid 21 spensati on of
floe sintoxiontino beverages, oemsbery called soft drinks, hy the bob/owing peroon aed
a t t f El 1 ow ag. pia se, ta
S, licathier 1519 rank St es et
).(5501,9222, tbat the 15 nonne r otos reed he :E. ho rely aellimeleed ashi
dinectol It ',loans liconee to 13.t.f.i persoh eels a 1552- nesse; C':36 r -1,7, cofreamia
noon the p(beeent by es fir party to cogi d arkty ,1922 ode of the 11 cones tea of ( „00
pot year ei fraction tease ategorhis ri advance.
I, the ceders-I gantra, Mos slay certify that the foregoing Resolution k Only
o Halter intecono cod d adoted by the sena 11 mil the caLty Alain 2 da me gala r
meeting assemble 5 an the 1,8th deb of Jo znia.ry , , Sta.e om leg 2.; ote,' to a it:
syygs areacerty.reen Latham, Notes, thrbi.e, brag or awl reel-dent ( 5 )
:17,7,0 7 have (oh r rant o sot as.7 hand and. sfifiney 55.5 f..5i
(2....a).1 of ord. th. is 1911.1 day o f .r.ouid.ey 192E,
W. E. barSSE,
City Clerk of the City of Alameda-
f the City f Aloe: echo)
1 nereby certify that the Corea:Ping is a fahi, true sea ocannaot copy of
I es solatg on Seem ting a. Pe roe t for a cans e te sell. a eft lorialts I, passed
br bMo coancil, of the city of gaamoda in. regales meeting asaembhed en. the 1.2th dab]
Janne , 1929
City Olerk the dity sf age