Resolution 01154RESOLUTION NO. 1154. CANCELLING TAXES OS CERTAIN :PROPERTY 1.0QUIRED FOS SCHOOL PURPOSES, 111ER3A5 the City of Alateda recently ecouired the ftilowing described property for school purposes, to wit: OCH=GING at a point on the Westerly line of Fara Street, distant thereon One hundred (100) feet Southerly from the intersection thereof with the Southerly line of e)en Antonio Avenue; running thence Southerly along said line of Faru Street Sit'ty (50) foet; thence 3t right angles Westerly One hhndred and thirty (13(3) feet; thence at right angles North- erly Tifty {50) feet; and thence at right angleE; Easterly One hundred and thirty (130) feet to the point of commencement. 55525 Lot No. 4, in 31ock Lettered "J", as laid dbhn and delineated on a certain Map entitled, "Map of Cak lark, Encinal cf Alameda," etc,, filed October 23v 1876 in the office of the County uorder of Alameda County. • 0555 15155- at a point on the Southern lino of Lincoln Avenue (formerly called Ruilread Avenue) distant thereon Sasterly 75 feet from the inter- section. thereof sith the Eastern line of Chestnut Street, as said. Avenue and Street are shown on the Map hereinafter referred to; running thence East- erly' along said line of Lincoln Avenue, 75 feet; thence at right angles Southerly, 5(3 feet; thence at right angles. Westerly, 75 feet; .ind thence at right angles Northerly, 50 feet ti the poirt of beginning. BEING a portion. of Lots 15 and 17 in Bleck No, 5 as said lots and block ere delineated and 33 designated. Phan that certain rk.J.T. entitled, "Map of ianda AdIacent to the Tcy,n of Enninal", etc,, filed Mu 25, 1057, in Ater 13 of Mara, page 53 ie. tho office of Inc County Recorder of Alameda County. AND WJEREAS, taxes were lev4ed against• said pwoperty and the title thereto is nos vested in the City of Alameda, how therefore be it RESCUED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that the taxes against said proppriq be, and the shoe are, hereby ordered cancelled, and the assessor and tax collector are hereby instructed to make the necessary changes on their respective books, I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the forp:ping Resolution was auly. snd ryclarly introduced and adopted by the Colincil of the City of Alameda in regular Destine assen1)1e41 3 the 5th day' cf July, 1927, ty the fallowing veto, to. hit. AIES: Councilmen Galoott, Latham, Noble and freeddent Otis, (4). NOESs Bone. ASSENT: Councilman IN TESTI4054 ShEhiCOSi I have hereunto aet my hand and afsfixed the official sena of said, city this 7th day of Julys 1927) Ws El V414.14E, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal. of the City of Alsricia).. hereby certify Shot the foregoing ia a fulls true and correct copy of "Resolution No„ 1154, Cancelling Taxes on Certain iroperty Acquired for School Purposes", passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assehbled on the 5th day of July, 1927. City Glork of the City of Alascda.