Resolution 01156SESOLUTION NO. 1156.
WHEIS,EAS, applications have len made ty the persons hereinafter named or a
permit to sell non-idtogicating leverages, commonly coiled sort drinks, in the City of
lameda, in accordance it the provisions and reouirements of Ordinance No.
of said city, RO7 therefore be it
BESOLIM, by the council of the city of Slamedat that a permit be and it is
horety granted and a license is hereby authorized to be issued under and in pursuance
of the provisions oZ said ordinance sathoriing the sale and dispensation of non-intox-
icating beverages, commonly called soft drinks, by the follomang persons end at the
following places, to wit:-
Mrs, Myrtle Bromn
N. ST Latimer
la.. and Zps. J. Ander on
William H, Peterson
Iva M. Irelen
500 Lincoln Avenue
920 Central Avenue
OCA Gents:oil Avenue
1503 Webster Street
Alameda Golf Coarse Club -rd113'.3.
SCOLGED, that the license collector be, and he is hereby authorized and
directed te asue a license to said persons under the proYisions of said ordinance upon
the paiar.pirt oy said partlea to said City of Alameda of the license tax of S5.00 per year
or Traction thereof, payable in advance.
I, the undcroigned, hereby certify that the foregoing (resolution as duly
and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City f Alameda in regular
matting assembled on the 5th day of July, 1927, by the follomiug vote, to wA:
lEt: Couneilmoh Oalcutt, isathaw Noble and President Otis, (4).
NOBS: None.
ABSENT: Gouneilmen Reiss, (1)(
IN TESTIMONY W-Lania)F I have hereuntp set my hand and affixed the official
seal of said city this 7th day of July, 1:27.
'it y Clerk of the Oity of Alameda.
(Seal of the O1y or Alaipda).
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fill, true and correet cony of
esolution No 1156. Grantihg e Permit for s. License to sell 'Soft Drinks', :ceased
by the GoAncil of tie )ity' of Alameda in reghlub meeting. assembled on the Btt, day
of Jul(v, 1927.
City Glerkiif the City of Alameda,