Resolution 01229TE5CIUY1CII IN.M.1229. R3SCIUTION CU 604EPTANCE aNB f076EUT TO TIEXRDATION, RE 2064HHERN EXTENBIOB UT BROADMIY. UMEREAS, N. B. Justice and Marian. E. justice his wife desire to dedicate the necessary land to constitute an extension of Broadway for a dis- taace of 4do feet to the south shore end convey said land to the City of Alameda as a public agencty for that purpose, mmy therefore be it RESOLVED,by the Nounoll of the nity of Alameda, that the deed or phant from said. El -H2 Justice and Marian B. Justice, his wife, to the City of Aiameda, a municipal corporation, dated Csrch 6th, 1926, conveying to said City as a publim ;agency all that certnin piece cr parcel of land extending ifom 9rotdwey in said 0L a distance of 400 feet to the south shpre so as to. cam- stitate a soathorly e4tension of said street, be and tha cooP is hereby accepted and said. council, actinm for and in behalf of said grantee, hereby gimes itm cc:heart to the recordation of said aocd or grant and orders that this re- slotidn he attached thereto aa required. by the provisiohm of section 1166 of the Civil Code, I, the undersianed, hereby cortify .that the Poregpir Resolution was aa-17 end. regularly into:canoed and adopted by the nouncil of the dity 7) Alameda in regular opeting asseolled on the 6th day od ddhoh, 1926, by the following vote, to-wit; otis, (). Councilmen Caloutt, Latham, Nelms, Noble and President IN TESTIMONY NEIERECT,MI have hereunto set Am" hand anM. affined the offiPlai heal of said city tads eth day of March, 1928u (Seal of the arty of Alawpda). 2. E. VA6C6E. City Pier: of the IiI4 02 ela6900; I hereby certify that the forpgoing gull, true and correct copse of "RESOLUTION NO, 1929. RESOLUTION OT AC06974,602 aTI CONE= TO -RECORMITION EE EITEMNION Of BROALMAY, passed by the. coundil of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 5th day of larah, 0 7476a;TUeL47.2---