Resolution 01232RESOLUTION NE. 18E2.
UHSREA2, it is of vital imphrtence to the continued. growth
and devolopemert of Alameda and tho Bay district that a convenient crossing
of San Urancisce bay be provided at some location north of Hunters Point in
order to properly 11 13 the communities with rapid transit interurban ser-
vice between the San Francisco business center and spell of the cities of the
East Bay; and to provide a short and direct ronte for automobiles between
these several communities, and
WHEREAS,the United States Par and hotly Debarments and. cer
tain shipping intO3eSt8 reVe ObjCetthi to eA4. ardige Werth Of Hunters :Point,
because a bridge ,o 1± be a menace to nevigetion and an unnecessary hazard to
all. ship:pins; that as a result either of siesmic disturbance or of bombing
time of war, the collapse of the bridge mihht completely bottle don the Navy's
fleet ant all commercial shipping lying south o the bridge; and
PESREAS, the tar Department, with the concurrence of the Easy
did in 1921, &ad reaffirmed 10 CPteber 1987, issue a statement defining. its
policy regarding a crossing of San Pranoisce bay,nwhich ntates
"That a combined bridgp and tunnel will
be approved. at a location south of the
03-) 33 Alameda Naval Base site pia:vid-.
ed that the tunnel is so placed as to leave
a channel along the San Urancisoo side
unobstructed to a 'depth of 50 feet at
m0 an. lower low water for a width of 3000
feet measured from the nearest point of
the pierhead line"
WHEREAS, Sect-del M. Xing, a civil engineer of Snoon '3"3""108 '0
in bridge and sub-ea:deeds tunnel construction, has presented a practical plan
for a. combined bridge and tunnel, crossing the bay between Pacific Avenue in.
Alameda and, Army street in San trancisce, a location the eastern terminus '1
which 13 south. of the preposedh&velosement for a naval base, end the western
terminus south of the developed. haterfront of San franclzoo:. with a tunnel
4500 feet in length crossing under the channel adjacent to the San 01, 0(
bherhead line. Ines pcopeaal arearently conforms to the requirements
of the trr Department and will satisfy the ishands of all the Bey Communities
for a central crossing that will accomodate both astemobile and commuter
traffic, shorten the present time of travel. and remove the hazards and delays
of ferry transportation.;
nHEREAS, a refusal by Congress to granh any senaJA for a. bridge
as requested by the City of den franoisco, might 1, o3. for many years, the
construction of any Bay crossing north of Nehters Point, to the detriment and
disadvantage of all the B, cities; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the City Connell of Alameda presents the plan
and location for a. Oen francietto 55y crossings as proposed by Mr. King, as an
acceptable alternate to the projects now leing urged before the Congress of the
United states, it being distinctly understood that this resolution snail apt
Jmpeir or alter the City of Alameda's stand already taken. in favor of a. high
level bridse se recommended by repert of the Board of Engineers, Transbay Brid-
o, San. 7:concise(); 14aN 1927, and as modified by conferences between the cities
of Alameda and han Francisco, anises the Congress shall refuse to grant per-
mission. to construct such a bridge; ana ts it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions together with a copy
of Mr. King's report be sent to the Mayor and Phe Beard of Supervisors of the
City and County.. of San francisco; to the Chief of Engineers itee States War
Department; and to OUT Osnaters and Representative in Congress.
I, the undersigned,hereby certify that the foregoing. resolution
was duly and regularly introduced ana adopted by the Council of the City. of Ala-
meda in. adjourned regular meeting assembled on the 12th day of March, 1928, by
tee following vete, to-wit;
AYES: Councilmen Latham, Seise, Noble and President Otisd (4).
OES: None.
ABSENT: Councilman Calcutt.
IN TESTIMONY MRSIZEMEM I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of said city this 10t01 lay of Keith, 1928.
City Clark of the Eity of Alameda.
0 f tho City 0 f Alamoda).