Resolution 01243RESOLUTION 110. • 1245. RESOLUTION ON INTENTION NO. 4. New Series. FOR CLOSING A SMALL PORTION 0 THE NORTHERN END OF BAY STREET. RRSOLVEL, that public interest and convenience require, and it is the in- tention of thn Council of the City of Alameda to order the closing End abandon- ing of a portion of the 'northern end of Bay Street described as follows; ALL that certain 'piece or tercel of land situate lying and being in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, 'State of Selifornia, and more particularly de- scribed es follows; Commenein6 at a point on the easterly line of 3ay Street, said point be- ing distant northerly thereon. 150 feet, from the northerly line of Eagib Ave- nue, (said point being also the nerthwest corner of Lot 28, in Bleck 3 of the Pee Tract) end running thence northerly along the easterly line of Baty Street, to its intersection. with the southerly line of Tract 24. es said tract is de- lineated and so designated upon that certain map entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Land as partitioned among the owners thereof in the suit No. 6923 and entitled Pacific Improvement Company, Plaintiff, vs., James A. Waymire et el, Defendants, Superior Court of Alameda County, State of California", and filed JulT 30, la00, in the office of the County Recorder of,Ilameda County in map boo. 25, pages 74 to 73, •and runniny thence N. 800 04' W., Lions said southerly line of Tract 24 to its intersection with the wesberly line of Day Street thence southerly along said westerly line of Bay Street; to a boint distant northerly thereon 16C feet, from the northerly line of Eagle Avenue, (said point being also the. southeast corner a's Let 15, Block 1, ef the Page Tract); thence at rimht engine. easterly 60 feet, to the point of commencement. , RESOLVED, that••no land is necessary te be to for the work of clos- ing and abandoning of said street, and that the exterior boundaries of the district of lands affncted and to bearesessea to pay the damages, costs and expenses thereof', are the corporate boomdarius of the City of Alameda. The street superintendent shall Cause to be censpictiously nested along the dine of said contemplated wor, ot not more than three hundred feet in distance apart but not less than three ii oli, otices of the passe of this resolution. in the time, form and manner required . 1 lar . he shall also. cause a notice similar in sabstance, to- be tublished for a period of ten days in. the Alameda TimesStar, e daily newspater e" general circulation pultlisbea and circulated in said city and hereby designated by the city council for thatpurpose. Any person interested, objecting to the work br improvement, to-wit, the closing of said street, or to the. extent of the district of lands to. be af- fected or benefited thereb, and. to he ebonseel . to pay tho damages, costs and expenses thereof, may make written objections to the same within ten days after the exoiration of the time of the publication of said notice, ao d. deliver the same to the clerk of the city council as rerl'aired by All the herein proposed work of closing said street Jr tart of street aforementioned shall be done under and in pursuance of the previsions of the tot of the legislature entitled, "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening,' or .olesing up in whole Cr in bart any street, square, lone, alley, court or niece within municipalities, and to condemn and aceuire any end all property necessary or convenient for that purnnee," approved. March S., 1569, ond the subsequent amendments thereto. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly intreanced and adopted by the Codmeil of the City of Alameda, in regular meeting assembled on the 17th day of Atria., 1928, by the following vote, ±o-wit ANSE: • tiouncilmnn Colcatt, Latbnm, Neiss, geble and President Otis, (5), NOES: None, ABEENT: N0 ne. IN TETIHOY WHEREOF, I hove herodnto sot my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of• sa± d. city this loth day of April, 1926- (Seal of the Cdty of A1ame9a.) W. E. vAR002. TalT77.7Trk e; the (J1,7 et Alameda. I, hereby cotify that the foregoihgTiS a fu11 4itrue and PorrPO copy 01., "RESOLUTION NO, 124$. - RESOLUTION'OTINTENTIONN2,6 '84e, IEEE-SERIES, POW, CLOSING A SMALL PORTION OP-THE NORTHERN END OT BAY ,STREET," passed by the council of the City of 11Lmeds, in regular meeting assembled on the 17th day of .k ril, 1928. Tity Clerb 'of the 3ity of A2Tmeda.