Resolution 01247RESCIPTION NO.
PUMAS, the property hereinafter referred to has been acquired
ir behalf of the state for veterans.' homes and, because of such public
ownership, is not subject to sale lor delinquent taxes, it is hereby
RESOIPLD and rered that upon satisfactory proof of ownerahlp
thereof, all taxes due on said property be and tee same are hereby ordered
cancelled, the samw beings briefly designated ex follows:
Lot 485, Block / Tract, assessed
Neth by et al.
Lot 296 Block "C", iferuside 7ract, apixessed to George B.
Vasco et al,
Portion of Bleck 39, Stratton Survey', assessed. to Olarance
L. Traver et al.
Portion 05 16106k 24 of "ElEr AlamaCa and Adjacent Lands",
awswased to -1d 1] J. Dowling et al.
Scrtlo,» of Lots 7 and 4, Block 4.5, of the Stratton Survey,
030e0356 to Olaf 2eishel et al.
Tot 121, Block "I", Mernside Tract, asseaxed to E. and
A. O. Zwaal.
Portions of Lots 1 end
i et l.
, johnson Tract, assessed to .Lreink
Narazz a
Portions of Lots 1 and. 2,Bloak 91, Stratton :Survey,.
assessed to 51 .e,® 11(0 13 et al.
Portions of Lpts 15 and 19, Block "C", Haight Tract,
asseased to Clarenoe L. Traver et al,
Portions 3 Lots 12 and 13 Block "E", Lewelling Division,
as:sassed. to 11 M. Bradley et al.
Iat on. northarh line Haight Avenue 72 x 1:32-1t, 120 feet eext
of 8th Street, assessed to Albert B. 'Planck° et al.
POrt4ons of Ipts 11 ard 12, Bleck 4, Stratton Survey,
assessed to habelle L. Fountaina et al.
Lot on south line of Lincoln Avenue 253 feet and 4 inches
from the west Mina of 8t0 Street assessed to Theresa Mehrtens.
Portions of Pats 7, 12, 15 and 14, Bleck. 54, Stratton Survey,
assessed to A. h. Kepler et al,
Portions of Dlock 100, Stratton Survey, assessed to Joan h,
Dwrmx et al.
Lot 458, Block. , eri:side Tract, accessed to Jack Ewing
BetteDaeurt et al.
Lot 33, Thompson Park rct, assessed to Douglas 1
et al.
Portion of Iot 12, Dleal. , Waterside errance, assessed to
Arthur 8. Durare et
as said lots or parcels of land are mpre particularly deapribed in. the two
(21 petns from 11 Veterans' 3alfare Board dated November 25, 1927 and
and March 9, 1928. resectiely.
I, tha undersigned, hereby certify that the foregpinF Resolution.
was duly and regularly 1 and adexted by the Council of the City of
Xlameda in road:day meeting assembled on the Sri day of May, 1928, by tax
following vote, to-wit:
otis, (5).
AYES: Counshlman Calchtt, Latham, Deices Noble and President
EOM NO11.8.
If TESTI= WHEREON,. I have hereunto set ry hand and 2M:red. the
official seal of said city this 4th day of hay, 1928.
Ydn. -Locke
ity'S'nrd nro tem-7T
Seal of the Oity of Alaredal.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and corrhot dopy
TOR AlETERAUff, ressed by the council of the City of Alameda, in reghlar
meeting assombled on the Ord day of m.ay, 1928.