Resolution 01250hESOIHTIOH
58h5b155 252 P 5 1091,98 OR 5519Ih9 ON ThE
81820525 T,G;d SONE dt5thAte,T.
gtHERES, the city planning commission has mafe a tentative report
and. has held taP public hearings oh a arebesea dew zone ordinanhe in thp
council chamber of the city hall as reqdired hp the city cords:id, netice
of said meetings being pablished ih. time, form and mannpr red:aired by law,
and. the city planning commission having sabmitted its final report
recommending the boundaries of districts andappropriate regulations and.
restrhations to be enforced therein as presided hy thp sot of the
legislature entitled, 'An act to provide for the esbablishment within.
mrnidipalities of districts or zones within which the us. of protests
hpight of ishanmuntents and requisite open opuses for light and venbilation
of such buildings, may bp regulated by ordinancted;
512 G9289158, said act requires that another hpaming be held by
the council before any action can he taken OE said proposed ordinenbe, how
therefore be it
92951,8,211, by the 1cancil of the 1fty of Alameda that the city clerk
be P.E.a he iF1 hereby iRstrabted to phhlish notfce of pbblic hearing on the.
proposed. new zone ordinance before the city coo/ion at 8 o'clock e. m,, of
Tneeday evening, Jane 5, 192.9h at the counoil chamber in the city hall, at
which time and -glass all. persona particularly interested, and the genpral
pbblic shall be afforded an opportanity to hp hpara therean.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing: Resoihtion
was dhly and reehlarly introduced and adopted bp the Council of the Oit
of Alatpda in regular meeting assembled on the 15th. day of tagas, 1928 by
the following rote, to wit,
AHEM tudheilmen. Calchtt, Latham, Reiss, Noble and President Otis,
No3s; None,
IN 1ESTI0b8Y fe652,1202, I. have hereunto set rh,9 hand and affhad
the officfel seal of said city thls lath Say of na75 1928.
(3ea1 of the T1ty of Alameda)
Here tem on •67167 pity of—Sdameue:–
T hprebp certifp that the horegping is a full, true and correct copy of
789120823 NEW ZON3 ORDINANCE, passed by the council Gf the Cit4 of Alameda,
in regular mpeting assembled on the 15th day of HeY, 1928,
. • - • ,
—7,111T7,Cled Adlard7P7a7.-199