Resolution 01294RESOLUEION 20. 1294
R8 rEUDoxN4
Whi8REE•, the project for the impwovement of the harbor
between the cities of Oakland and Alameda, authorized by House of Rep- •
resentatives Document No 407, 69t4 Congress, let Session, requires
that local interests Shall :provide suitable areas for the disposal of
material removed im making and maintaining the channels, together with
the necessary levees, bulkheads, drainage canals, sluieehoys or other
structures required therefor, and
•NERR the Eteprovements authorized by thh said project
will be of greaMbenefit to the industries in the City o:5 Alameda, now
therefore be it
71E701714, that the United gtates bk and it is hereby
am•horiced to dump such mnterial that nay bE removed in making and main-
taining the improvements authorized by said project on the eitycs tract
of tide and sabmergnd land south of the Alamedm Mole as may te practiomEle
to deposit on said. tide and mubmrgd lands and he it further
RENEWED, that the city agrees to proydde such levees,
bulhheads, drainage camalsy slui(neway, and other structures as may be
necessary to retain such material deposited on said lands,
1, the undarsignpd, hereby certify that the foreghing Reso-
lution. was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the
eity of Alameda in regular mmaEnig asskmtled on. the dth de; of Septemter,
1828, 4', the following vote, to-wit:
ANHom Nounoilmen Calmitt, Nhissc 'Noble and vise-
IsTesident otis, (4),
ROES: None.
ANSENER Counoilapresident Otis, t1)®
88374(91058 WHEREON, I home hero ante 0e7 04 hmind and. affixed.
the official seal of saiR city this 5t1. day of Septemter, 1928.
7 alerk of 17EF7177,r77-71:Elsesta„
1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and corrmat
copy of 'u 77 NO. 1294 - RE 9295871 GING", passed. by the Council of the City
of Alameda, i11 regular meeting assembled on the 4th day 00 September, 1928.
3410 7116(777,