Resolution 01304DieSOLUTION FO. Itatitie
terir081892IN9 30,000.00 0101a 7113 heithaTRIC
MUND 'ha 21.2 ateiheRAI 211.92.
922.9181h091., by the caohcil of thn city of' Slahadny tbat there
be ahn thery iD hereby transferred from the Clhetric light Tanta to the
central Coda, the 2e2. of Thirty thousand. and 00/100 Dollars, (090,200.00),
as a himictered „
The Auditor anti 'Minh Creasurer 8rs threty authrrized to mahh amid
transfer vymn their renrectire booms,
I, zne usdairsignod, hereby onreify that the 'drehoimy Cesolution
rh2 dely nai yroularl." intradooed and zdoytet fe the 1onneall of the Jit7;
Of Aleleeja ih rabblur meeting assaatibe on the d1h a,„,7 of Neresaar, arab,
by tht folloYietsvote, toraiim;
M208: Cobnoilmen tentbay, Noble :dud 9resideut otia, (d.).
18889D: chuneilmno :rjES, (1).
IN aDSTIMObid nohdthih I bare hereunto set my hand n.11 affined
the official seal of said oity this 811. day •of November, 1928.
(Seel of the City of Alemeda)
AI,,C C1E3
"r:714:1-, 71777ET-e-377.7737S-C, 1717E7575a -
I hereby' certify that tha foregoing is a full, true Laid oon-
ract ceno n'r flfl,„ 7/304 - itosesutucaret A.,,Ap. ono no mach mhm
ELECT:11C 118110 Dtbh TC fdE 119NERAI :Zona", pasmod ty tea bounonl oi Mao
City of llamado in nehmilar mestimm assembled OD the etb. day of Dovenacer,