Resolution 01306RESOLUTION NO ADOPTING PLAN$ ADD SPE3I2ICATIO13 ( New Cirahoose ) 3S501,V0D, that the plans and specificetions whioh have bean prophbed for the construction of a firehouse on Pacific Avenue near Web- ster otTeet in the City of Alameda, be and the same are hereby aecetted as the official plans and specifications for doing said work and making 2Ri4 101DrOVelt. I, the underoigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Reso- lution woe duly ant regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in resular meeting assembled on the 7th day of revewbor, 1928, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Colcutt, Latham, Noble and Preeddent Otis, (4). Mad: None. ABSONT! Councilman Neics, (1). 13 TESTIMONY 4eitM07, 1 have hereunto eet my hand and affixed the official seal of solt city this 8th •cloy of November, 1928. (5eal of the Uity of Alameda) W. E. Vi7C04 City Clerk of Tee bity of AlacedfI% I here:Ow certify that the foregoing is a tull, true and cor- rect capy of "R6SOLUTION TO 1306 - ADO :TING PLANO ATO JPOOIWICATIONO (New firehouse)" vesseed by the council of the oity of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the Vth day of November, 1928. eciagagegdy t'tf .,ciagof"ttied77TTA7 od iTT77777.