Resolution 013080700LUTIOT NO. 12308._ TRANES!,00300 0.0,021.d6 INNOM THE ELECT8il NICHT Yeild E0 TES C21NERA1 -018011, RESOINEbh bs the Council of the Nits of Alemeds, that thera be and there is hereby transferred from the 01000100 :aght Fund, to the General Sand, 'Three thousand, rive hundred. and Twehts-ono ana 26/100 'dollars, (03.021.26), as a. dividend, same being the amount of the city lighting bill for the month ending October 'Slat, 1026. The Auditor and the Treasurer are herebs hutheviced 1 make said transfer abon their respective books. I, the undersigned, 100011 certify that the foregoing Eesolution waa duly end 00 13000 introdhoed and 10T 'el bs the cianciO of 1 citv of Alameda, 1 remuihr meeting assembled on the 4.th Say of December, 1929:0 y the following) vote, to vit: Otis, (0). AYM: Nodnoilhen. Caleatt, Imn1nti, EOES: None, lieSENT: None. 'Telma, Noble had Tresident Ti TEETIMONY aNNEUX8).0 I have "dormant° oet my 110 11 and affixed the officiel seal of sold city this 8th day of Lecember, 192a (Seel of ti City of AlailleOa) W. E. VERNON 732171,27)70 1 0 1,1,- 53777110 t.+;,Y 75771 -e. hereby certify thot the foregoing is a fall true faad, correet cops of 'RESOLUTION El. 1308 - TRANS=E16) 3,521.70 TROD, TEE EL,ECTRIO EISEN YUEN TO TNT 0222)0bil ittnins, pmesed by the Council of the City. of ilemede in regular meeting assembled on tha 4th day of December, 1928. Ole sum 011*