Resolution 01310kiESOLOkIO• DO. ASARDING (XNTRACT. Cfirehooke iocifio Sebster) RESSLirdiD, that the sealed proposal or bid. of DEORCf3 DeftfitiTTTM for the conetrretion and completion of a. firehouse on the oityis propertw located on the northern line of Pacific Avenue 217D feet west of neboter street in accordance with the :titans and specificatiPfts adopted therefor, :be and the some lo hereby accented and the contract le hereby awarded to said narty at the ,:rie,E; named in his: bid; provided. that the cum of D400.00 be paint in addition to said contract price on condition thnt seid contractor emplkg certain setb—contractors approved by the city's architect. The mayor is hereby authorised for and on beholl of said. citp, and its eity council tp enter into ant eneonte a contract sdth said successful bidielc and it is nprsly ordered thwt the cortia(rd cheeks of all unsuccessful bidders be returned to them, 1, the undersigned, hereby certify.. thet the foregoing Dhoolution was duly cnd regularly introduped and adopted by etheecoupti of the citp ef Alameda. in regniar meeting assembled on the 4th (law of "deertiLer, 19.48, by the following vote to wit: Otis, (f). Souneiimpn Calcutt, Latham, Neles, Cable and Prpeideat NDS: None. ABSifith None. IC TDDdifitil= T hare hereuPto set m'y nand. and affixed the o seal of said citk this Dth dads/ of December, if23. (al of the City of Alameda) . D. VARODE 11 la-177ayiE City 11 fATIS577-1.: 1 hereLey certify that the foregoing is. a11111, true :911(3. correct copy of "ROOSOINTION 11ao REno LJTION AdARAING CONkRACT. ("direnpane Ykoifis t feboter)", passed by the koadoil of the Citg of Alameda in reguloT mpeting casenied 0 n the 4th 1 ay 0 f December, 192a.