Resolution 01324RESOLUTION NO. 1:524.
7ENRCAS, OIj±'or'j FLje, to and sanitary districts 9TO being faced
with problems of disposing of thuir sewage and industrial wastes tinder pecullar
seasonal and climatic conditions which complicate the problems or make them
unique, thug rendering inapplicable or of doubtful Taloa methods and standards
developed elsewhere, and
WHT>tBEAS, these pressing problems are of vital concern to all communities, .
large and small, and thalr separate investigations would involve, iv some cases,
prohibitive expense and in many oases wasteful duplication of lion:* and affort,and
IHMEAS, the State is the logical agency to unterth the solution of common .
problems, particularly those affecting the .'iiealth of it citizens, now, therefore,
it is hereby
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that the action of the League
of California Municipalities, at its last meeting, requestinE the appropriation
by the Gtateof not less than $65,000. for the establishment and maintenance dur-
ing the next biehnium of the proper end necessary facilities for ihveatigations
and research in methods of sewage and waste Aibpsaal sidd treatment, be and the
same to hereby endorsed and approved end this council does hereby respectfully
urEe the legislature of the State of California to adopt suitable legislation
to accomplish these purposes:
RESOLVED, itORTSCR, that the membere of the legislature from the district
in which this city is situated, are hereby requested to lend special effort
to tha furtherance of the purpooes Heroin expressed and the adoption of the
necessary legislation to accomplish the rare.
RISCLVED, FURTHER, that the city Clerk be 911a he is hereby directed to
transmit certified copies of this resolution to the Rhn. C. Q. Young, Governor
of the State of California; to Pon. T. Q. West and Hoh. 1. R. Biahop, our
representatives at the legislature, and to thin League of California Iddnici-
palaties at 706 Chancery Building, San FranciscooCalifornia.
I, hereby certify that the foregding Resolution was duly end regularly in-
troduced and adopted by the Council of the Q11y of Alameda, in regular meeting
assembled on the 15th day o snnuary, 1929, by the following vote, to it
iygs: Counciamen Calcutt, Latham, Noise, Noble and President Otis, (5).
NOSS: None.
IN TESTINIONY aHERE, 1 have hereunto set my h ne and affixed the officio
seal of said city this 16th day of January, 1929.
(Seal of the City of Alameda)
ff. 3. VARGO,.
City 77,71-C7k oT—Ftie City or meea.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is e full, true and correct copy
"RESOLUTION NO. 1.324 -.RE SEWAGE DISPOSAL BTSEARCH", passed by the Council
of the city. o1 Alameda, in regular meeting. assembled on the 15th day of
sunuhry, 1929.