Resolution 01331RESOLUTION NO. 1331. PROVIDIC TOR SUBMISSION OT PENSION RETIREKENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, employees of the city have requeeted the council to submit under their own initiative an ordinance providing for a pension retirement system for pity emoloyees, in words and figures as follows:: "ORDINA,ICE N. 3. ESTABLISIIING A RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOR Eal,LoyeTJ o],7, THE CITY' 07 ALAMEDAe PROVIDING 7CH THE PAMENT OF RETIREMENT ALLO4ANCES TO AGED AND DISABLED MTIELOYEFS AND FOR THE PAYMENT OF DEATH BENETITS; PRESCRIBING TEE CONDITIONS UNDER •HICH SAID ALLOWANCES AND BENETITS SHALL BE PAjD; TIXING RATES 07 CONTRIBUTION AND THO AMOUNTS OF RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES AND DEATH BENEFITS; AIM PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF SAID RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Be it ordained by the people of the city" of Alameda es follow PURPOSE Section 1. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide a means wheret-j employees who baooMe incapacitated as e result of age, or disebilite, may be replaced by more capable employee, thus promoting economy and efficiency in the public service, without prejudiee and without inflicting a hardship upon the employees removed, and et the same time to recognize the public obligation to suoh public employees as may die or become incapacitated, by making provision for the retirement of aged and disabled employees and the payment of death benefits. DEFINITIONS Section 2. The following words and phrases, as used in this Ordinance, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings: (a) 'Retirement System' shall mean 'Alameda Municipal Employees' Retirement System' provided for in Section 3 of this Ordinance. (b) 'Employee' shall mean ay person, including persons generally classed as roffieera' or 'officials' in the employ of the City of Alameda whose compensation in such employment is paid wholly by the City. (o) 'Member shall mean any pereon included in the memberehip of the Retirement system as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance. (d) 'City' shall mean 'City of Alameda.' (e) 'Board, shall mean 'Board of Adminietration' as created in Section 4 of this ordinance. (f) 'Retirement Fund' shall mean 'Alameda Municipal Employees' Retirement Pund, as created in Section 10 of this Ordinance. (g) 'City-service' shall mean service rendered as an employee for compensation, and for the purpooes of this Ordinance, e member shall be considered as being in the 'city-service' only while he is receiving compensation from the Gity for such service, or while in the military or naval service of the United States in time of war, whether or not then receiving compensation from the City. (h) 'prior eervice' shall mean the service of a member rendered before July 1, 1929, and allowable as provided in Section 0 of this Ordinanoe. (i) 'coetinuous service, shall mean uninterrupted employment by the oity, except that diseontinuance of city-service of a member caused by layoff, leave of absence, suspension, or dismissal followed by re-entrance into the city-serviee within one year shall not count as a break in the continuity of .service. (j) 'Beneficiary' 01811 mean any pereon in receipt of a pension, annuity, retirement allowance, death benefit, or any other benefit provided in this Ordinanoe. (k) 'Compeneation, shall mean the compensation.payable in cash plus the monetary value, as determined by the Board of Administration, of any allowance in lieu thereof, but such 'compeneation' hall not exceed five hundred (500) dollars per month. (1) 'Compeneetion Earnable' by a member shall mesh the average compensation an determined by the Board of Administration upon the basis of the average period of employment of members in the same group or class of employment and at the some rate of pay, but such 'compensation earnable' shall net exceed five hundred (500) dollars per month. (m) 'Final Compeneatioe' hall mean the average annual compensation earnable by a member during the ten years immediately preceding his retirement. (n) 'Normal Contributions' shall mean contributions at the rates provided for in subdivision (a), Seotion 7, of this Ordinance. (o) 'Regular Intereet'uniess changed by the Board of Adminietration as provided in Section 9 of this Ordinance, shall mean interest at four per cent per annm, com- pounded annually. (p) 'Aoonmulated Contributions' :111E11 mean the aum of all normal contributions, deducted from the oompeneation of a member, atanding to the credit of his individual account, together with regular interest thereon. (q) 'pension' ehall mean payments for life derived from contributions made by the City as provided for in this Ordinance. (r) 'Annuity' shell mean payments for life derived from contributions male by a member as provided for in this Ordinance. (s) 'Retirement Allowance' shall mean the pension plus the anenity. (t) Year' shall mean any year commencing with July first and ending with June thirtieth next following. ESTABLISIMEITT AND NAME G RETIREMENT SYSTEM. section 3. A retirement syetem is hereby created and established to become effective July 1, 1929, and to be known as the 'Alamede Municipal Employees' Retirement SysteW; provided, thst the Board of Administration provided for in section 4 of this ordinance, shall meet as soon as this act takes effect and take such actions as may be neoessary and appropriate to bring the system into effective operation July, 1, 1929. BOARD OP ADMINISTRATION Section 4. A Board of Administration of the Retirement System is hereby ereated, consisting of the mayor, the City Treasurer, and the City Auditor, who shall serve without compensation and who ohall have general charge of the conduct of the Retirement System as hereinafter provided. SYSTEM CONTRIBUTORY Section 5. The System herein provided is on the contributory plan as further provided in Sections 7 end 10 hereof. MEMBERSHIP IN RETIREMENT SYSTEM section 6. (a) With the exception of those employees who are excluded from member- ehip, as provided in subdivision (b) of this Seotion, all employees 211811 become members of the Retirement System ae follows; (1) Every employee in city-service on July 1, 1929, shall become a member of the Retirement system on that date. (2) Every employee who shall re-enter oity-service after , 1929, and prior to each re-entry shall have completed six months of continuous O1ty8erV11e, shall be- come a member of the Retirement System upon such re-entry. (3) Every other employee who has entered or shall enter city-aervice after July 1, 1029, shall become a member of the Retirement System upon the completion of six months of continuance service. (b) The following employeee shall not become members of the Retirement System; (1) Eleotive officers, and members of boards or commissions appointed by the mayor, the City Council, or the City Manager. (2) Employees serving on a part-time basis as defined by the Board of Administration. (3) Employees certified from Civil Service lists for temporary employment. (4) Persons employed under contract for a definite period and for the performance of specific duties. (5) Employees of the police Department who are entitled to benefite from the police and Firemen Feneion 7und as provided in Ordinance No. 276 - N.S. (6) Eareloyeee of the ?ire Department who are entitled to the benefits from the Police and Firemen pension ?und as provided in Ordinance No. 276 - V.S. (7) Employees of the Board of Education. (c) It ehell be the duty of the head of each office or department to give immediate notice in writing to the Board of Administration of the change in status of any member of his office or department resulting from tranefer, promotion, leave of absence, resignation, reinstatement, dismiseal, or death. The head of each office or department shall furnish such other infor- mation concerning any member as the Board may require. (d) Saoh member shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Ordinance and to ell of the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Administration. Should the city-service of any member, in any period of ten consecutive .years, amount to less than five years, or should he withdraw more than one quarter of his accumulated normal contributions, or should he die or be retired, he nail thereupon cease to be a member. CONTRIBUTIONS Section 7. (a) The normal rates of contribution of members shall be these adopted by the Board of Administration and shall be based on sex and age at the time of entry into the Retirement System. The rates so adopted shell remain in full force and effect until revised or changed by the Board of Administration in the manner provided in section 9 of this Ordinanoe. The normal rate of contribution established for age sixty-one shall be the rate for any member who has attained a greater age before entrance into the Retirement System. In like manner the normal rate of contribution for age twenty shall be the rate for any member who enters the Retirement System at a lesser age. (b) The Board of Administration iall certify to the head of each office or department the normal rate of contribution for each member provided for in Subdivision (a) of this Section. The head of each office or department shall apply such rate of contribution to eo muoh of the compensation of a member as does not exceed five hundred (500) dollars per month and shall certify to the Auditor on each and every pay- roll the amount to be contributed, and shall furnish immediately to the Board of Ad- minietration a copy of each and every such payroll; and each of said amounts shell be deducted by the Auditor and shall be paid into the Retirement Fund, hereinafter pro- vided for, and shall he credited by the Board of Administration, together with regular interest, to an individual account of the member for -whom the contribution was made. Fvery member shall be deemed to consent and agree to the contribution made and provided for herein, and shall receipt in full for his salary and compensation. paymlent less said contributions shall be a full and complete discharge of all claims and demands whatsoever for the services rendered by such person during the period covered by such payment, except his claim to the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this Ordinance. fc) At the end Of each payroll period the Board of Administration shall determine the aggregate amount of the normal contributions for such period, and hall certify such aggregate amount to the Auditor, who shall thereupon tranefer an equal amount to the Retirement ?Lind, hereinafter provided for, from the money appropriated for that purpose in the budget for the then current fiscal year. ALLOWANCE 7CR SERVICE Section 8. Subject to the following and to all other provisions of this Ordinance, including such rules and regulations as the Board of Administration shall adopt in pursuance thereof, the aaid Board shall determine and may modify allowances for service. It shall fix and determine how much service rendered in any fiscal year shall be the equivalent of s year of service and of parts thereof, but shall credit one year for two hundred and fifty or more days of service rendered by employees working on a per diem basis and one year for ten months or more of service rendered by employees on a monthly basis, but not more than one year for all service in any fiscal year. service of full. Time during which a member was absent on leave without pay shall not be computing service, unless such absence was while in the military or naval the United states in time of war, in which case it shall be counted in Each member shall file with the Board of Administration such information regarding his statue as u member of the Retirement System as the Board may require. The Beard of Administration shall grant credit for servioe rendered prior to July 1, 1929, to each member entering the Retirement System on that date, and to each member entering the Retirement system after that date if such entry is within one year after rendering city-service prior to July 1, 1929. However, prior service credit, so granted, shall be the basis for a retirement allowance or benefit as provided in this Ordinance only if memberahip continues until retirement on a retirement allowance or until the granting of such other benefit. 170nRS AND DUTIES 07 THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. Section 9. The management and control of the Retirement System shall be vested in the Board of Administration as provided in section 4 of this ordinance. The Board shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred upon it by said section, and shall be provided by the City Manager with such accommodations and such secretarial, clerical, and other help as may be required, including, when necessary, the service of a consulting actuary, and, in particular, (a) The Board shall keep in convenient form such data as shall be necessary for the actuarial valuation of the Retirement Yuna created by this Ordinance. At the end of the five-year period beginning with the year July 1, 1929, and at the end of every fire-year period thereafter, the Board shall erase to be made an actuarial investigation into the mortality, service, and compensation experience of the members and beneficiaries as defined by this Ordinance, and shall further cause to be made en actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the Retirement Yund, and upon the basis of such investigation and valuation shall (1) Make any necessary changes in the rate of interest; (2) Adopt for the Retirement System such mortality, service, and other tables as shall be deemed necessary; (3) Revise ox change rotes of contribution by members on the basis of sooh mortality, service, and other tables. (b) In addition to ether reoords and acoounts, the Board of Administration shall keep such records and accounts as shall he necessary to show at any time. (1) The total accumulated contribution a of members. (2) The total accumulated contributions of retired members leas the annuity payments made to such members. (3) The accumulated contributions of the City held for the benefit of members on account of service rendered as members of the Retirement system. (4) All other accumulated contributions of the City, Which shall include the amounts available to meet the obligation of the city on account of benefits that have been granted and on account of prior service of members. A portion of the accumulated contributions of the City previously held for the benefit of members on account of service rendered as members of the Retirement system,equal to the accumulated normal contributions withdrawn by o member, or paid to the beneficiary upon the death of 2 member, or applied to purchase an annuity upon the retirement of a member, shall thereafter be included in the amounts available to meet the obligation of the City on account of benefit:: that have been. granted and on account of prior service of members. (c) The Board shall report annually to the City Council in such detail as the Council may prescribe. CREATIOn AND ESTABLISH L= 0 e'UND Section 10. A fund is hereby created and established to be known so the 'Alameda Municipal Employeee, Retirement ?und. It shall cont of all moneys paid into it in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, whether such moneys shell take the form of caeh, securitle2, or other aesets. MANAGE =T 0 RETIREMENT ?UND section 11. The Retirement ?und shall be managen es follows: (a) The Board of Administration shall have exclusive control, eo pro- vided in Section 4 hereof, of the administration and investment of said fund, subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and restrictions imposed by the laws of the State of California upon the making of investments by savings banks. (b) The Board of Administration, subject to such provision S may be prescrlbed by law for the deposit of municipal funds in banks, may deposit cash belonging to the Retirement fund in any licensed national bank or banks in this State or iu any bank, banks, or corporations authorised or licensed to do a banking business and organized under the laws of this Stpte. (c) The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Retirement ?und, subject to the exclueive control of the 3oard of Administration no to the administra- tions deposit, and investment of said fund. All payments from said fund shell he made by him only upon warrant signed by the Mayor and the City Manager, subject to the approval of the Auditbr. (d) Interest on any cash and on any investments constituting a part of the said fund shall be paid into said fund as received. (e) Except es heroin provided, no member and no employee of the 3oard of Adminietration shall have any intereat, direct or indirect, in the making of any investment, or in the gains or profits accruing therefrom. And no member or employee of the said Board, directly or indirectly, for himself or as en agent or partner of others, shall borrow any of its funds or deposits or in any manner use the same except to make such current and necessary payments as are authorized by said Board; nor shall any member or employee of said Board become an indorser or surety or become an in-manner en obligor for moneys invested by the Board. PRIOR SERVICE LIABILITY Section 12. There shall be paid into the Retirement Fund, by contributions of the City, the amounts neceesary to racy all pensions and all other benefits allowable under this Ordinance to members, on account of prior service. Until the amount accumulated in the Retirement Fund becomes at least as large ae the present value of all amounts thereafter payable from the Retirement Fund, the amount annually due to the said fund under this Section shall be the amount payable from said find in the enening fiscal year on account of prior service. GUARANTY Section 13. The payments of the City into the Alameda Municipal Employees' Retirement urid, so provided for in this Ordinance, are hereby mode obligations of the City. The Board of Administration„ shall prepare annually en estimate of the amounts necessary to meet such obligations and the City Council shell appropriate such amounts as are necessary to make such payments. 7iITHDRAWAL2 Section 14. Should the city-eervice of a member be diecontinned, except by death or retirement, he shell be paid, in not lees than one year after the date oer dizeontinuance, such psrt of his accumulated contributions as he shall demand; provided that, if, in the opinion of the Board of Administration, said member is permanently separated from city-eervioe by reason of such discontinuance, he shall be paid forthwith all of his accumulated contributions; and provided also that the Board of Adminietration may, in its discretion, withhold for not more than one year after e member last rendered city-service all or part of his accumulated normal contributions if after a previous discontinuance of city-service he withdrew all or a part of his accumulated normal contributions and failed to re-deposit suoh withdrawn amount in the Retirement Fund as nrovided in this section. Any member may redeposit in the Retirement Fund in not to exceed six monthly peymeats, beginning with the date of re-entry into the System, an amount equal to that which he previously withdrew therefrom. If a member upon re-entering the Retirement System after the termination of his membership shall not make such redeposit at the time of his re-entrance, the rate of his contributions for future years shall be the normal rate provided for in Subdivision (a), Section 7, of this nrdinaace at his age of re-entranoe; otherwise his rate of oontribution for future years shall be the same as his rate prior to the termination of hie memberehie. In the event such redeposit is made by a member, an amount equal to the accumulated normal contributions so redeposited shall again be held for the benefit of the said member and shall no longer be included in the amounts available to meet the obligations of the City on account of benefits that have been granted and on account of crier service of members. SERVICE RETIREMENT Section 15. Retirement cf a member for service ehall be aide by the Board of Administration ae follows: (a) Each member in the city-service who has attained the age of seventy years st.the time of his entrance into the Retirement System shall be retired forthwith, and each member in city-serviee, who, after entry into the Syetem shall attain the age of seventy years, shall be retired on the first day of the calendar month next succeeding that in which the said member ehall have attained the age of seventy years. (b) Any member in the eity-service may retire upon written appli- cation to the Board of Administration, stating when he desires to be retired; provided, that said member, et the time so specified for his retirement, shall have completed ten years of continuous service as defined in this Ordinance, and shall have attained the age of sixty-two years; and provided further, that if one of the options mentioned in Section 20 of this ordinance is seleeted, then the said application shall be made at least thirty days prior to the date of retirement. ALLnANCE ON SERVICE RETIREMENT section 15. (a) A member, upon retirement for service, shall receive a retirement allowance which shall consist of (1) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated contributions at the time Of his retirement; and (2) A pension, purchased by the contributions of the City, equal to that portion of the annuity purchased by the accumulated normal contributions of the member; and, for members having credit for prior service. (3) An additional peneion purchased by the contributions of the dity, which shall be equal to one and one-thlrd (1 1/3) perTeent of hie final compensation multiplied by the number of years of prior service credited to him. (b) Any member who enters the Retirement System on July 1, 1929, or who enters after that date and receives oredit for prior service, and who is retired by reason of attaining the age of seventy years, shall receive on account of prior service such additional pension, purchased by the contributions of the City, as will make his total retirement allowance not leas than four hu-ndred and eie-lity (480) dollars, per year unless such four hundred and eighty (430) dollars exceeds one-hslf of his final compensation, in which event his total retirement allowance shall not be lose than one-half of his final compensation; provided, that this additional pensien shall not be paid to any person employed between July 1, 1926 and July 1, 1929, . who at the time of employment eras aver sixty years of age. DISABILITY RETIREMENT section 17. Retirement of a member for disability shell be made by the Board of Administration upon medical examination as follows Any member while in the city-service, or within four months after the discontinuance of city-service, or while physically or mentally incapacitated for the performance ef duty, if such incapacity has been continuous from dis- continuance of city-service, shall be examined by a physician or surgeon appointed by the Board of Administration, upon the application of the had of the office or department in which said member is employed, or upon the application of said member or a person acting in his behalf, stating that said member is physically or mentally incapacitated for the performance of duty and ought to be retired, provided that the said member has had ten or more yeare of continuous service preceding his retirement. If such medical examination shows, to the satisfaction of the Board of Adminiatration, that the said member is physically or mentally ineapacitated for the performance of duty and ought to be retired, the Board of Administration shall retire the said member for disability forthwith. The Board of Administration shall secure such medical services and advice as may be neceseary to carry out the purpoee of this Section and of Section 19 of this Ordinance, and shall pay for such medical services and advice sich compensation as the Board shall deem reasonable. ALLONANCE ON DISABILITY RETIREMENT section 18. (a) upon retirement for disability a member shall receive a retirement allowance which shall consist of (1) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated contributions at the time of his retirement, and, if, in the opinion of the Board of Administration, such disability is not due to intemperenee, willful misconduct, or violation of law, on the part of the member, (2) A pension purchased by the contributions of the City which, together with the annuity which is the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated normal contributions, shall make en amount equal to (a) one and one-fourth (114) per cent of his final compensation multiplied by the number of years of service credited to him, if such amount exceeds one-fourth of his final compensation; otherwise, (b) one and one-fourth (1*) per cent of his final oompensation multiplied by the number of years of service which would be creditable to him were his servioe to continue until attainment by him of age sixty-two, but suoh retirement allowanoe shell not exceed one-fourth of final compenantion. (b) If, when disability is due to intemperance, willful misconduct, or violation of law, on the part of the member, the annuity to which said member is entitled under subdivision (a) of thiseection be less than two hundred and forty (240) dollars per year, the Board of Administration, in its discretion, may pay to eaid member, in one lump sum and in lieu of eaid annuity, his accumulated con- tributions. 3A7,73GUARDS ON DISABILITY RSTIRSMENT Seotion 19. (a) The Boerd of Administration may, at its pleaaure, require any disability beneficiary, under age eixty-two, to undergo medical examination, such examination to be made by a physioian or surgeon, appOinted by the Board of Administration, at the place of residence of said benefioiary or other place mutually agreed upon. Upon the basis of such examination the Board shall determine Whether said disability beneficiary is still incapacitated, physioally or mentally, for service in the office or department of the City where he was employed and in the position held by him when retired for disability. If the Board of Adminietration shall determine that said beneficiary is not inoapacitated, his retirement allowance shell be cancelled forthwith. (b) Should a disability beneficiary re-eater the city-service and be eligible for membership in the Retirement System in accordance with Subdivision (a), section 6, of this Ordinance, his retirement allowance shall be cancelled and he shall immediately become a member of the Retirement System, his rate of oon- tribution for future years being that established for his age at the time of such re-entry. His individual account shall be credited with his accumulated con- tributions less the annuity payments made to him. An amount equal to the accumulated normal contributions so credited to him shall be again held for the benefit of said member and shall no longer be included in the amounts available to meet the obligations of the City on account of benefits that have been granted and on account of prior servioe of members. Such member shall receive credit for prior service in the same manner as if he had never been retired for disability. (o) Should said disability benefioiary, prior to attaining age eixty-two, engage in a gainful occupation not in the city-service, or should he re-enter the oity-service and be ineligible to membership in the Retirement system in accordance with Subdivision (b), Section G, of this Ordinunce, the Board of Administration shall reduce the emount of his retirement allowance to an amount which, when added to the compensation earned by him in such oceupation, shall not exceed the final compensation on the basis of which his retirement allowance was determined. Should the earning capacity of such beneficiary be further altered, the Board may further alter his retirement allowance to an amount which shall not exceed the amount upon which he was originally retired but which, subject to such limitation, shall equal, when added to the compeneetion earned by him, the final compensation on the basis of which his retirement allowance was determined. When said disability beneficiary reaches age sixty- two, his retirement allowance shall be made equal to the amount upon which he was originally retired and shall not again be modified. (d) should any disability beneficiary under age sixty-two refuse to submit to medical examinetion, his pension may be discontinued until withdrawal of such refusal, and should suoh refusal continue for one year, his retirement allowance may he cancelled. (e) Should the retirement allowance of any disability beneficiary be cancelled for any Cause other than re-entrance of the city-service, he shall be paid his aocumulated contributions lees the annuity payments made to him. OPTIONAL ALLOWANCES ON RETIREMTeNT section 20. Subject to the filing of application thirty days in advance of retirement as provided in Section 15 of this Ordinance, the beneficiary may elect to receive at retirement the actuarial equivalent of his retirement allowance in a lesser retirement allowance payable throughout life, eith the provision that: option 1. If he dies before he receives in payments the present value of his retirement allowance as it was et the time of hie retirement, the balance hail be paid to his estate or to such peraon, having an insurable intorest in his life, as he shall nominate by written designation duly executed and filed with the Beard of Administration at the time of his retirement. Option 2. Upon his death, his leeser retirement allowance shell be continued throughout the life of and paid to such person, having an insurable interest in his life, as he shall nominate by written designation duly executed and filed with the Board of Administration at the time of his retirement. Option 3. Upon his death, one-half of his lesser retirement allowance shell be continued throughout the life of and paid to ouch peroon having an incurable interest in his life, as he shall nominate by written designation duly executed and filed with the Board of Adminietration at the time of his retirement. Option 4. Any other benefit or benefits shall be paid either to the beneficiary or to such other person ar persons as he shall nominate, provided ouch other benefit or benefit together with such lesser retirement allowance, shall be the actuarial equivalent of his retirement allowance, and shall be approved by the Board of edminietration. DEATH BENEFIT section 21. (a). Upon the death of a member while in city-service, or while physically ur mentally incapacitated for the performance of els duty, if such incapacity hae been continuous from discontinuance of city-service, there shall be paid to his estate, or to such person having en insurable interest in his life as he shall have ruminated by written designation duly executed and filed with the Board. of edministration. (1) His accumulated contributions, or the remainder thereof after deducting such disability benefits as he may have received therefrom, arid, if, in the opinion of the Board of Administration, such death was not due to intemperance, willful misconduct, or violation of law, on the part of the member, in addition theretch (2) An amount equal to the compensation earnable by him during the eix months immediately preoeding hie death, but such compensation earnable for an' month shall not exceed five hundrsd (500) dollars. (b) A member, or a benefioiary after the death of a member, may elect, by written designation filed with the Board of Administration, to have the death benefit paid in monthly or annual installments instead of in a lump sum, subject to such regulatians as the Board may adopt. NO MODIKCATION ON ACCOUNT OP COMPENSATION BENEFITS Section 22, No modification of the benefits provided in this Ordinance shall be made on account of any amount or amounts payable to a beneficiary, es defined herein, under the provisions of the State Compensation Law. MONTHLY PAYMENT section 23. A pension, an annuity, or e retirement allowance granted under the provieions of this Ordinance, unless otherwise specified herein, shall be payable in equal monthly inatellments. EXEM2TION THOM EXECUTION Section 24. The right of a person to a peneion, an annuity, or a retirement allowance, or to the return of contributions, the peneihn, the annuity, or retirement allowance itself, any optional benefit, any other right accrued or accruing to any person under the provisions of this Ordinance, and the moneys in the eeind created under this ordinance hell not be subject to execution, garnishment, attachment, or any other proceee whatsoever, and shall be uaassignable except as in this Ordinance specifically provided. ESTIUATE 07 BERI;ICE, COMTENSATION, OR AGE section 25. If it shall be impracticable for the Board of Administration to determine from the records the length of service, the compensation, or the age of any member, the Board may estimate, for the turpotees of this Ordinance, such length of service, compensation, or age. SERVICE APTER RETIREMENT Section 26. No person who has teen retired for service and who receives a retirement allowance under the Retirement System shall be paid for any service, except ao a juror or as an election officer, rendered by him to the City after the effective dete of his retirement from the system. EXPENSE OF ADMINISTRATION Of THE 2UND Section 27. The Board of Administration shall estimate annually , us of June Zeth, the amount of money necessary to provide 'for the expense of administering the Retirement System for the next fiscal year, and the City council shall appropriate the money required for this purpose. CONSTITUTIONALITY Section 28. If any section, or eectione, or part of an section, of this Ordinance shall be found to be unconstitutional or invalid, for any reaeon, the reminder of the Ordinance shall not thereby be invalidated, but shall remain in full force and effect. REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES Section 29. All PrAinenc2s nrd parts of ordinances insofar as they conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 30. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that said. proposition be and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted on the ballot et the regular municipal election to be held in said city Tuesday, march 12, 1929, and the city clerk is hereby instructed to publish notice of the submission of said ordinance in the time, form and manner required by law; also to publish said ordinance at least once in the Alamede Times-Star, and send n printed copy thereof, with the sample ballot, to each of the electors of said city. I, the undersigned, hereby certi that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 5th day of ?ebruary, 1929, by the following vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, ffeiss, Noble and President Otis, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF., I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 7th day of Pebruary, 1929, (Seal of the City of Alameda) 214 J. LOCKE. CM Clerk pro tem 6T-the City of Alac9T371ii. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "RESOLUTION NO 1531 - PROVIDING ?OR SUBMISSION OF BENSION RETIREMENT SYSTEM", passed by the Council of the city of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 5th day of ?ebruary, 1929.