Resolution 01380RESOLUTION NO.
-(-5-anta Clara Avenubl
WHEREAE, the City Openail of the Oity of Alameda u18, in open session, on the
7th day of may, 1929, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed proposals or bids for
doing the work described in Resolution of Intention 'c. 59, D. S., of said city pf which
the following is e printed copy.
"R2SOLUTIO'J 07 ENTENTION NO. 89, New Series.
RESOINUO AMD DET'UddINED, by tITe Council of the riity of ATTImeda that public
interest and necessity require the improvements hereinafter zet forth and it is the
intention of said council to order the following described work to be done and immrovhments
to be made an those certain public ways in said city, described se follows, to- it
7hat .Santa Claims Avenue, from the ea:stern line of yebster Street to the
weatern line cf High Street, be scarified, regraded, dnd have a waterboand macadam base
constructed thereon; after which an asphaltic concrete pavement shall be constructed on
said base of the width and thickhess and within the limits shown on the piers and speci-
fications hereinafter referred to:
All of esid work ond improvements shall Sr done in accordance with the plans,
profiles, detail drawings and specifications therefor which have been approved by said
Council j id are now on file in the office of the clerk thereof, reference to whieh is
hereby made Tor the ostimetted cost of the improvement (inolusive of incidental exoenes
and costs of the proceeding), for e full ane detailed description and location ef said
proposed improvements and of the grades to which said improvements are to be constructed.
The notice of all persons affected is directed. to the grades for the proposed
improvement and to the provisions of the "Acquisition and Improvement Act of 1925 relating
to grades.
The district uf the lends to be benefited by said proposed improvement is
hereby described da follows:
All Lon parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and being. within the corporate
limits of Inc City of Alameda, according to the map thereof approved by the council end
now on file with the clerk.
Excepting from said district all public ways and all lands belonging to the
United. States and the State of California.
In the judgment of the oity counbil, there will be no varying benefits to be
derived by Inc different parcels of land lying within the assesoment district, 35 a Con-
aequence the district has not been divided into zones.
Reference is hereby made to the plat or map entitled lop or Acquisition and
Improvement Uistriet No. 1 of the City of Alameda", approved by this city council Uetruary
lOth, 1929, and now ot file in the office of the clerk thereof, whereon there ia indicated
e boundary line, tine ektent of the territory to be included in said proposed assessment
district; provided that all public ways are not included in said district, said streets
ah6 public ways being new in use in the performance of public functions as public highways.
sonde will be issued for the expenses of the work and improvements herein
proposei to be done to the total amount of the expense thereof, said bonds to bear interest
at the rate of eix (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, the first interest payment
to be made on the second day DT January ..ot the second day of July (whichever month first
succeeds the date of the bonds) next succeeding one year after the date of such tends.
The a7gregate principal of all bonds issued under this proceeding shall be paid and die-
char gal within twenty years after the date of issuance, and approximately one-twentieth
part of such aggregate priticieoal shill be hanyable annually, as hereinafter provided, all
in gold coin, it being the determination of this :council that the first payment o'n the
aggregate principal of the bonds issued will be made one year after the issuance thereof.
A spacial fund for the payment of said bond will be constituted by the levy
of special assessment takes upon the lands within the assessmant district, in accordance
with the pmovisiens of said act, according to the assessed value of said lands, exclusive
at improvements thereon, except as otherwise provided in said act.
The proceedings for the work and improvements herein mentioned, including the
bonds to provide for the expenses thereof, shall be taken under and in pursuance of the
provisions of the "Acquisition and Improvement Act of 1925".
Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, March 19th, 1929, at the hour of 800
o'clock p.M. of said day, in the chamber of this city council, is the tiro and plaice when
and where any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work end improvements
or to the proposed . grades -to which the improvements are to be constructed, or to the
extent of the assessment district, or to any or all of the foregoing, may appear before
this city council and Le hoard, said time being not leas thnn eighteen hoz' more than sikty
days from the date of the adoption of this resolution.
The clerk: of this coencil shall cause this Resolution of Intention to
be publiohed by two ineertione in the Alhmedn Times-2ter, a newspaper of generel
circulation published end circulated to the City of Alameda, which newspeper is
hereby designated os the newspaper for no to the publicetion of this Reeolution
of Intention and all other pOolicatione in or incident to the proceedings hereof.
The City Council cf the City of Alameda hereby appointe Burnett
Hamilton "euperintendent of Work", whose duty it ehell he to perferm the services
prescribed or indicated for him in said Act end to have general actual supervision
of the ieTrovemente constructed, without compensaticn,
The "Superintendent of Work" shell cause to be cenepicuhusly posted
elong the line of said contemplated or end improvemonte, noticed of the adoptioe
of this resolution, in the- time, form and meener required by zaid Act.
1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wee
duly and regularly introdoiced and adopted by the Council of the-Oity of Alameda
in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of February, 1929, by the follcwing
Tote, to wit:
Otis, (51.
AYES: Councilmen Caleutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble and president
NOES: None.
ih TTS01110eV fielERE02, I hove hereunto 2et my hand and aft-ised the official
seal of said city this 20th day of yebruary, 1929.
pablish ,..ebruary 21 and 22, 1920.
Y. R. VAR003.
City Clerk of the el.
2, arne5a.
whioh Reolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars',
and having duly considered the eeme, it la hereby
RBSOITSD, that said City' Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or
bias except that herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing said work
end making said improvements to the lowest responsible bidder, to it:
CALliFORIA CONSTRUCTION COMI'ANY at the prices named in their bid.
The clerk of the council is hereby direoted to publish notice of said
sward of contract twice in the "Alemeds Times-star", e newspaper of general circulation
published and circulated in said city and hereby designeted for thot purpoee by sold
board. He shall also post said notice for five (5) do Te as required by said act.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda, in regular
meeting assembled on the 7th day of May, 1929, by the following vote, to wit:
AYRS: Councilmen Brodereen, HenninE, Latham, Calcutt and President
NOSS: None.
12 TCSTIMONY WHE0E02, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of eeid city this 6th day of b'ey, 1929.
W. E. VARC03.
e eee ne Pi ro amee.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correet oopy of
"TeMOLUTIO2 NO. 1390 - IN 221 ';T211 ACZYUISITION eNE. IMTROVEMCNT DIsTalc:T 50. 1 02
THE CITY OF \I''D1 - RE601TI2N OF AWARD ( Santa Clara Avenue)", peeeed by the Council
of the City of Alameda, in regular meeting assembled on the 7th day of May, 1929.
-.0ity of Alameda.