Resolution 01381REBOCUVION UO.
(Deena ;iota Avenue)
WEE0EA8, the City Council of the City of Alameda did, in open session, on
the '7th 5ay of ;ay, 192D, publicly open, examine, end declare all sealed proposals or
bids for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 90, N. S., of snid
city of elnihh. the following le e printed copy,
RESOLVED ANC DETERMINED, by the council of the City of elemcda that public
interest and necessity require the improvements hereinafter set forth und it is the
intention of said council to order the following described work to be done end improve-
mente to be made on, those eertein public ways in said city, described as followe, to-wit:
?hat Ouerte Vista Avenne, from the eastern line of Webster etreet to the
western line of Park Street, be scarified, regraded, and have a weterboend mahadam base
constructed thereon; e"ter which an asphaltic concrete pavement shall be constructed or
seih base of the width and thickness and within the limits hown on the plans and speci-
fications hereinafter referred to;
All of said work and improvementa anal' be dons it accordance with the
plane, profiles, detail drawings end specifieetieno therefor which neve been approved
by said couneil and are now on file in the office of the clerk thereof, reference to
which ie hereby made for the estimated cost of the improvement (inclueive of incidental
expenses and costs of the proceeding), for a full and detailed description and location
of said proposed improvements and of the grades to whioh said improvements are to be
The notice of all persons affected is directed to the gredes for the pro-
posed improvement and to the provisions of the "Acquisition and Improvement Act of 1925"
relating to grades.
The district of the lands to be benefited by said proposed improvement is
hereby described as follows:
All the parcels or treats of lend situete, lying and being within the
eorporute limits of the City of Alameda, according to the map thereof approved by the
ceuneil aed now en. file with the clerk.
Exoepting from said district all public wawa and ell lands 1elonging to the
United gtetes end the etate of ealifernia.
In the judgment of the city eennoil, there will be no varying benefits to
be derived by the different parcels of land lying within the assessment district, es a
coneeohence the dietriet hot not been divided into cones.
Reference ie hereby made to the -plat or mop entitled "Map of Aequisition end
Imprevement Cietriht Wo. 2 of the City of elemeda", approved ty this eity couneil eebruory
19th, 1929, and now on file in the offiee of the clerk thereof, whereon there i2 indioated
'1- n boundary line, the extent of the territory to be inclaled in it era-oozed ea2essm0nt
district; provided. that all public ways are not included in. said district, said etreeta•
ancl e being now in use in the performanhe of public functioee 92 public highways.
3enda will be leaped for the expenee of the work and improvements herein
enepeeed to be done to thc toted emount of the expense thereof, acid bonds to bear interest
at 1he rate if eix (5) per o' '1 per annum, payable semi-ermelly, the first interect payment
t be rack on the eccoed day of January or the aecond day of Jely (whiehaver month firet
succeeds the date of the bonds) next succeeding one year after the dote of ouch bond. The
aggregete erinciphi cf all bonde jested onEer this proceeding shell be paid and diecharged
within twenty years after the date of leanence, end approximately one-twentieth pert of
such aggregate priaciel shall be eayeble annually, es lieveinefter previded, all in geld'
coin, it being the determinetion of this counc il that the fleet payment on the aggregate
principal of the bends issued will be made one peer after the 11,1,10 101 thereof.
A. esacial. fund Eee the payment of said 11) do will be constituted by the levy
of epecial assessment taxes upon the lands within the aeoessment district, in accordance
with the provisiona of said act, according to the assessed value of sole :Londe, exclusive
of improvements thereon, exceet as otherwise provided in said act.
01e proceedinge for the work and improvements herein mentioned, including the
bonds to provide for the expenses thereof, shull be taken ender =.1(1 in. pursuance of the..
proTisions of the 'Acquisition end Improvement Net of 1025".
Notice is hereby given. that Tuesday, March 19th, 1920, at the hoer of e:oo
o'clock p.N. of said day. in the chamber of this city couecil, is the time end piece when
and where....any..end..ell.parsone heving any objections to the proposed work and imprevemente
or to. the prosesod grades to Which the improvements are to Le conetructed, or to the ex-
tent ef the asesesement dietrict, or to any or all of the foregoing, 'op nppear before this
city council and be heard, said time being not lees than eighteen or more than eixty daye
from thee date of the edoption.of this resolution.
The clerk of this cu. il shall cane this Resolution of intentien to
be published by two 'insertions in the Alameda TiMeaSter, a newspaper of genaral
circulation published end circulated in the City of Alaanda, which newseper is
hereby designated as the newspaper for making the publication of this Resolution'
of Intention endall other ndblications in or incident to the proceedings hereef.
The City Council of the City of Alamede hereby appoints Burnhtt
Hamilton. "Burerintendent of Nork", -whose duty it hall be to perform the cervices
prescribed or indicated for him in said Act, and to have general actual supervisien
of the improvements uonstructed, withhut compensation.
Ehe "Sumerintendent of Work" shall cause to be conspicuously posted.
niong thh line of said contemplated work and imnrovemente, notices of the adoption
of this resolution, in the time,.. firm and manner required by at Act.
1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wee
duly an regulnrly introduced and aeepted by the Council of thn City of Alemeda in
reguler meeting assembled on the 19th day of ?ebraary, 1929, by the following vote,
Councilmen Calcutt, Latham, Neiss, Noble and President Otis, (5),
TN TE3TIMONY 4HE2, I have hereunto eet my hand and affixed the
official seal of said city this 20th day of 7ebruary, 1929,
(Sebl) N. E. YARCO2.
717-771.7-77-the City of S1ameue.
Publieh Mebrdary 21 and 22, 1929.
which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for eurther particulars,
end having duly considered the some, it is hereby
RESOLVED, that said City Council hereby rejects all of said prop 0015 or
bide except that herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing said work
and making said imnrovemente to the lowest responsible bidder, to-wit:
CALI.NHNIA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY at the prices named in their kid.
The clerk of the council is hereby directed to publish notice of said
sward of contract twice in the "Alameda Times-etar", a newepaper of general circulation
published and circulated in said city and hereby designated for that purpose by sail
beard. He shall also post said notice for five (5) days as required by said act.
I, the undersigned, hereby certife that the foregoing Resolution was duly
and regularly introduced and adeeted by the Council of the City of Alameda, in regular
meeting -asembledmin the 7th day of May, 1929, by the following vote, to wit;
AY3S: Councilmen Brodersen, Henning, Lathan, Caloutt and President
sehaefer, (5).
N088: None.
IN TESTIMONY IiH..7TRE0 T, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of said city thin 8th day of May, 1929,
City Clerk of the ciy oI A_
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
MUM CITY eq 12D RESOLUTIWN OE AWARD (Buena Vista, Avenue;", posed by the Council:
of the City of ,,lemeda, in regular meeting aesembled on the 7th de e of May, 1929.
Clerk of tnt City of Alamede.