Resolution 01453RESOLUE IER NO .14ttEd DESOIDTION ORDERING THE WORK (Perk Street. Ligilitibg) Ihereas the Council of the Sitg of Alameda did on the 5th day of November, 1929, pass its Resolution of Intention. ND. 92, New Series, to order the hereinafter described work to be done and imarrevement to be. ;made in. said city which Resolution. of intention. VMS duly and legally pullished as required by law, es appears from the affidavit of C. Lewis Yatson now on file iu the offime of the clerk of sail citTpand whereas, notices of the passage o said Resolution. of Intention No. 92, New Series, headed "Notice of im- provement" were. luly and legally posted along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, and on and along each and every open. street End highway. in the as- sessment district described 1 said Resolution of intention, in time, form, manner ond nurher as required by 12W, after the passage of said Resolution of Intention, as appears from the affidavit of George Sparbeck, who person- ally. posted, the same, and who, upon the completion of the nostinc of said natines, forthwith filed said affidavit in the office of the clerk, making oath thnt he completed the posting of snid notices 021 tbn ath 6951 of Bovember, 1922; and, whereas, all protests or objections presented have been heard and disposed of hn timn, form and manner as required 1 law, and said council hamEng now acquired jurisdiction to order the rEorosed improvement, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work herein described srd the council of Pam City of Alumbda. herehw orders the following work to be done and improveoent to be made in. said city, to-wit; That Nark Street, 13 13 the northern curb line of San jos° Avenue to the southern curb line of °dement Avenue, be improved by the construction. and installation. in plane on. the City's poles, of wires, lames, oast iron bbses, transformers, cast iron brackets, lighting units, globes end 11, to the number., in the locations and in accordance -with the plans, profiles, detailed. drawings an5 speckfications whi13 h. hnve been. adopted. therefor and filed with the city clerk, and which are hereby referred to for fhe fUll orP detailed description of said prohosed work and improvegentk Attention. is called to the LiOG112e Agrcembrat of the Taper Tuhe :hie Sorpany, E corporation, on file with the city clerk:, specifying the price whirr will be CParged for purchase 2nd use of the Lase rebuired Py said specifioations, nnd for udnich said '0 .0' owns Rutted. States patent rights; and to the License Agreement of said 131 also en file with the city Pipala, specifying thn price which will he charged for purchase ann nee of the brackets recuired by said arbeifications2 =d for which said comhany slso erns United States rntont rights. Attention is else cariled to the :License Agreemont.of the Ohneral Diectric Sompary, a corporation, Oh file ukth thb city clerk, specifying the orice which wilir be chared. for purchase and use of tho lighting unit and transformer repired by saia specifications, and for which said. company owns United States patent rights, It is hereby provided that a part of the cost and ersenses of said work end improvement to the eutent of SID. THERESE-3 E ,UNDRED BOILERS *3,800.0CD shall be paid oat of the treasury of said city from thn general fund, said sum 1.,, ;contributed by the board of phblim utilities of sa3d city. All of said WOrk. Ehala be done and imaproveybiut made in pursuance of the. provisions of an net of the lebinlaturn of the„State of Oalifornin, designated the improvement Act of 19n, 8pproved April 7, 192J, and symndmmnts thereto. The city clerk is hernby instructed to post a. notice nf said work, togethmr nnth tho plans and specifications therefo, conspicuously far. five days on or near the council choyler door, of sdid city, inviting sealed proposaJn or bids for doing the work ordered. Said clerk is also directed to publinh twice, notice irvitihg sunh proposals, and referring to the speccations posted or on filo, in. the Alameda. Times-Star, 9 daily nensperbr published and circainted in said city and hereby designated for thn purpose. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check payanble to the City 3f AlN.,ea.E., certified by a reshonsible bank for an emonnt which shall not be lees than ten per cent of the aggregute of thm proposal, Or by a bond for the saij amount and so payable, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before say officer combetent to administer an. oath, ir. double the said amount, and over an5 above all statutory 13 '13' Said' sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the city clerk of the city, on or before 8 o'clock, P.M. en Tussday the 17th Is y of December, 1929, said. time being not less than ten days from the time of 1 first posting and pubfication of the notice of said work 44.041 inviting Sc aled. proposals, on waich day and. hour all proposals or bids will be publicly open9a by said Counbi1 . a t * a :4* 13 the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Reaolution was Only and regularize introduced and adopted bw the Council of the Oity 01 ASaimeda in. regular meeting assembled on the 3rd day of Decemtera 1929, by the following vote, to-wit: AYKS: Councilmen Ocicutt, Lathes and President 30103e1or,(3). NOES: Councilman Henning. (1) NOT 70TI45g Councilman Brodersen, (1). ABSENT: None. IN TESTI:WWI WHEREOF, I. have hereunto set my hand end affixed the official seal of said city this 4th a07 of Decemler, 1929. (Seal of the City of Alawaida) 19. VARCOF nip clerk 01 ±:.:? STKlaseca. 1 hereby certify that the foreaping is 0 full, true and correct c,ory of TREDOLUTION NO. 1453 - RESOLUTION ORDITAING THE JORK (Park Street faIght:gg)," passed by the Council of the City of Alameda ic regulDr meeting assembled on tho 1/rd day of December, 1929.