Resolution 01457RESOLUTION EQ. 1457 RESO9nRION ORDERING PLANS (Buena Vista Ave,) RESIDIVED, by the Connell of thh City of Alamhdh, that the Citp Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prehbre end submit plans, profiles, detailed drawingh and specifications for the improvement et Buena. Vista ANODU.e., from the western line of Atebster Street to the western termination ofhteaVeavoitt,..bsetfollows: Thole c six-inch vitrified ironstone piph sewer bh constructed therein wlere not Directly oonstructed; also that said avenue, wlthin the limits oforemhntiontd, be graded, and hawe concrete curbs, gutters, gutter bridges and sidemalkat constructed thereon; olsh that corrugated iron culverts End vitrified pVpe lateral branch sewers be constructed therein of the number, sine and loom:titre to be shown on said plans; oleo that thh roadway of said otenuetnem "- the limits aforementioned, The moved vmth a six-inch oil macndnm pavement; said utm. • ' -err to lone and tends to be issued in accordance with. the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911' and amendrahnts thereto. I, the undersigned, eerebp certify that rhe foregoing Resolution was duly and :regularly introdcced and adopted by the Council of the City f Alameda, in reguicr meeting assembled on the 5rd dap of December, 1929, by the followinp vote, to-wit: CIES: Councilmen Brodersec, Otalentt, Henning, Lathrm one) President. Schaefer, (5). 70ES: Ranh. ABSENT: None, IN PNEPINENY WHEREOE, I have hereunto stet mp hood and offimed the otficial rani of ebtd oitw this ,Ith. an7 af Docembor, 1929. 1. E. VARCOE, (Sealui the City of Alhmeda) City Clerk ofthe OTT'. 61 c9) oth)6VIC. tm, I hereby certify that the foregoing is n Tull, true and correct copy of 'RESOLUTION' NO. 14E7 REEOLUTION ORDERINV PLANS ( lluenb lists Ave.)", hnesed by thh Council of the 1 of Alamein. in. regular meeting assembled on. the 3rd day of Deoember, 1929. . a),E1,711,9