Resolution 01464113SOILTION NO. 13:64
RCSOLaTITY Of 21affraffaa TO. 94
Dew Series.
(Beene Vista Avenue)
RESOLVED, by the Conacil of the City of Alameda, that it
is the intention of said council to order the following work to be
done and improvement mean in said. city,• to-wit:
That Baena 11t (1118, from the western. lina of Webster
Street to the western tarridnatien of said avenue, be improved ea
ollows: That a six-inch vitrified ironstene pipe sewer be construct-
ed therein where not already constructed, also that salad avenue,
within the limits aforementioned, be graded, and have concrete curbs,
gutters, gattar bridges and sidewalks constructed thereon; else that
corrugated iron culverts and vitrified pipe lateral bitandisewers be
constructed therein of the number: size end location. shown on. the •
plans hereinafter referred ta; also that the roadway of said avanue,
within. the ts efeacementioned: be paved with a six-inch oil maca-
All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans,
profiles, detailed. drawings. and specifications adopted therefor.,
reference to which is hereby made for the full aad detailed descrip-
tion of the said proposed wOrk ond imbrovomenta ena the grades to
varide said work is to be done.
The city soPasil hereby determines and declares, add notise
is hereby given. that serial heeds shola be issued to represent each
assessment of twenty-five dollars or more remaining unpaid ikun thirty
daJ, after the date of the warrant. Ssia bonds shall bear intereet
ot the
i» of seven (7) per scut per ankam, and shell extend over
a peripd cot to exceed. nine years from the sesend day of Ieneary next
succeeding the fifteenth day of the next hovember following their dste.
Notice ie hereby given that Tnesaay: the 21sta:boy of
Jendony, 1930, at the hour of o'clocX of said day, in the
coo:Jail sham:her in the city hall of said city, is the day, hoer and
place when aid where ana end persons haviog any objections to
the proposed work end improvement, or to the proposed seshistr, may
appear beface the city council ond. show cause why said proposed
improvement shopld not be serwied out in. 3' 1' with thia reso-
lution; provided said objections oro made are filed in wwitina so
respired by law.
The City Cleak shall publish this resoletion, end the
street superintendent shell post notices of tee passage thereof
in the time, form and manner required by law.
Said work ahall ba done cad bonds issued in accordanas
with the pwovisiona of the "Improvement Act of 1911" row.0 amendments
I, the undereissed, hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolation was duly and regularly introacted and adopted by th
Council of the City of Alameda regular mootifut assembled on the
17th dey of Describer 1929 by. thp folacariag vote, to-wita
AY:23: Councilmen arodersen, Calcutt: Henning, Latham and
Tresident Sohaefar,(5).
NOOS; Nona.
ABSVET: acne.
TN IESTIMOTY :,rITTIEN,GP, I have hereunto set rm nand end
affixed the official seal of said city this 13th aay of December, 1.929.
N. V. V alaa)I
iSeal 3f 1:EFI r7;fi::; o1 alsmeda)
I hereby csatify that the forragaing is a fula, trua Lhia correst
oota of 132ahrifIara aah lied - RETICIUTION Oa haffaaTLIN NO 94 NeW Series,
Mena Vista avenue)", passed by the Doane:if of the City of Alameda in
rerealer meeting assembled on the 17th day of Deseclar, 1929.