Resolution 01479RS2C(LUTION 1:10. 1470
(Fronklin Perk)
IRBERCAS, ti City of Alameda. recently. acsbired the fcllowing
described property far school purroses, to-wit:
All those certain. lets, pieces Jr parcels of land situate, lying
JI.1.(9 being in the City of Alameda., Coubty of Alameda, 3tate of California,
'spudded dud descriled oS f011OWS, to-Wit:
BEGIUNING ut a point on the Northern line of
31n Antonio Avenue, distant thereon Westerly 90
fast from tho point of intersection thereof with
the Western. line of tern Street (es said Avenue
and Street are shown o3 the map heralinsftem refer-
red to); and running thenee Westerly diens said line
of 3on. Antonio Avenue 75 fent; thence at right
angles Northerly 1'I feet; thence at right angles
10 •5 feet; thence at rieht angles Northerly
50 feet; thence at right angles Ensterly 50 foot;
thence at right angles Southerly 1C0 Net thence
at right engles Easterly 10 feet, and thespo at
right o'-loo Southerly 95 feet to the point of begin-
BEGIIINING at the point of inter4eotion of the
Southw.sterly line of Emainal Avenue, Ea said Avenue
now existe, with the Dorthweaterly line of Peru Street;
thence Southni(sterly alone said line of Hare Street 50
feet; thanes at right angles Northwesterly 110 feet;
thence at right angles Northeasterly 50 feet to 31 (3
Southenesterly '1513 of Cmcinal Avehre; thence Southe
easterly along aaid last named line 110 feet to the
poimt 3' beginnleg,
BEGInkING at a point on the Westeri . line of Horm
Street, distamt 'thereon. Southerly fifty (50) feet
from the intersection thereof with. the Southern line.
of Enpinal Avenue, as said Avenue now exists; running
thence Sodthemly alone said line of° Pars (3treet, forty-
five (1E) feet; thence at riglit angles Westerlyp One
Hundred Ten (110) feet; thence at right angles North-
erly Tdorty-fime (45) feet; thenhe at right angles
Easterly, One Hundre(3 . ten (110) feet to the point of
BE0INNINC at 2. point on the Southerthline of
11 'o1 Avenue, As said A,i0110.e now exists, distnot
thereon desterlv, One Buimdiced ten (110) feet from the
intersection thereof with the Western. Line of Pars
Street; running thence Westerly alone said line of
3131 '31 Avenue, forty (4.0) feet; thence st right
angles Southerly Aluety-five (95) feet; thence at
right sngles Easterly Shirty (40) feet; thence at.
right angUes Northerly Ninety-five.. (96) feet to the
toint of beginning.
BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly line of Harr
Street, distant thereon. Southerly 96 feet from the
point of intersection thereof with. the Southerly line
of Eheinal Avenrs, as said Avenue now exists; running
thence Southmiaty alona aaid line of Peru Street, 50
feet; thanes at right angles Westerly 100 feet; thence
at right angles Northerly 50 feet; thence 2t right
angles Easterly 10E feet to the point of. beginning.
311 0' above being pertions of Block "I", ns
said block is delineated. and so designated on that
certain. Mar, entitled, "Mar of Oak itark, EM41nn1 of
Alameda, Alameda Subdivided September 1.676",
filed October 12th, 1876 in Book 6 of Wisps, at rage
11, in the offiee of the County Recorder of Alameda.
Ceninty,. fhiliforhia.
AfT '11:BREA'S, taxns were levied asainnt said property
end the. title thereto is now vested in the Dity of Alemedn, now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the Countil of the City of alamedem thut
the second installment of the 1929-30 taxes aguinst said property be,
and the tame are, hertby ordered cancelled, aEn the asenteor and
tu,lhoollector art hereby instructed to make the necessary changes
on thtir respective books.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution
was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Qouncil of thE City
of Alamuda in regular meeting assembled or the 't dey of Turah, 1950, bp
the following: :vete, te-wit:
AYES: 3030cilmen Erodeoret, Calcutt, EtEning ana Preidemt
Schaefer, (4).
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilman Latham. :(1)
IN TESTIMONY' MHERE07, I have hereanto set my hand and affimed the
official seal of said city this 5th dap: of Yurchm1950.
(Seal.. of the arty of 1llumud0 Wm E. VAROOE,
oiky Jr7F, of the 3ity of Anamebt.
I hereby aertify that thu foregoing is a full, trre und correct eouy.
SODLOL PURPOSES (Yranklin TarX9, passed by the °canon. of the Oity ofranunda
ir regular meeting assembled on the 4th dap o March, 1950.
od Ayrime