Resolution 01519RESOLUTION NO. 1519 TRANSFERRING $5,618.00 ?ROM THE GENERAL rUND TO TED ACQUISITION AND.IMPROVEMENT ?WED. RESOLVED, by the Council of the Oity oT Alemedu that there be and there is hereby transferred flora the General Fund to the Ac- quisition and Improvement Yew), to pay Three thousand, three hundred and Ninety-two End 00/100 Dollars, (0,592.00) due August 20, 1930, and Two Thonosad, Two Hundred und Nwanty-six End ou/an Dollars, (2,226.00) due Septpmber 3171, 1930, Tor interest and render-option of RaqhisiNPn ond Improvement Bands, as u lomn. The auditor and the Treasurer ore hereby Euthprized to make said transfer upon their repective books. 1, the unbersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Reso- ltior . was duly and 'regularly introduced ord adupted by thp Caanpil of. the Oily of Alameda, in reialar meeting assembled on the 5th day of August, 123C, 1 tho folNowing vote, O- it: AYES: Councilmen Brodersen, Calcutt, Latham and. President Spheefer, (4). NOBS: None. ABSENT: Counoilmkn Henning, (1). 10 TESTIMONY USINICENT, 1 nage hereunto set my hand and affixed the C1 4]. seal of s*id eity this dth day of Augnat, 1930. (Seal or the City of Alameda) W. B. VAROOT, City Clerk of the Tay U1 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fnll, true and correct . copy of "RESOLUTION NO. 1519 - TRANCFERRING. $505518.00 LRCM THE GENERAL 75NE TO ERB 110.5CI1ITIO5 AND DAPROACCPENT PUEDE, passed by the Council of the ley of Alempee in re.gplunn mpetiny essembled on tne 5th day of Augpst, 1930m anermugy.owsAyameee.