Resolution 01526RESOLUTION O. 1525 IN MATTEI10' THE e021DISITION AND ,3 '3 DISTRICT ITO. 3 u TEE DITY SF AltapDA D'ESOLTIDN AND. 17 .DER AOCNTTIiiG THE WORK WESRMS, on Innourg 21, thm CEty Council of the CitE of 4( ,O1 adopted its Regolgtien of Intention to order certain. work to be doho and•improve- ents to be made in the above-untitled matter, under gnd prresmat to the provisions of the Soquisition and Improvement Aut of 192,% reference being hereby expresely rude to said Resolution. of Intention for further particulors; anal, DRE42.424 said work was doir accordingly, and the Soverinter.dent of Mork and tha contractor hove filed a vovified decierotigh and statement of the corn-elution. of said work, amount of incidental °Average ang otbEr mmtters, as retrained by the groviadong of Section twantEatwo (221 of said Act; end, aHEREDEl, the Sorrell fiord Tuesdcy, the 19th daE of Angnst, 1930, at the hour of SE2 O'clock 2.Mo, D2 aald day, in the °number of the Sity Council as the Isvi• hour and. pious, for holetinz the final hvgring,..in the algae-entitled matter, as reDuired by salA Act, ard it aspears from the affidavits on fiae with tho Clerk that nmtice of seid hearing was nnblishe :end posted in thm time, form and manner required Ey lea; and ElISREA, the tirm set for said hearing having arrived and old. persons trtarestod in any of thg work cr improvement domM huller said proceeding or in. Lrly mutter affectinE; said work end the assmsargnt district therefor, feeling aggrieved. Ey any action or determimatlor•dona or mule in said. ranceddlogs or DialmOug. that anE of the previous eats or 'pgagedimgs are irregular, defective, erron000m or faulty, or thmrt the work Dr improvement has not been performed aseordir to the contract ia a ggod and eubsttntlml manger, or that any rErtion of the. work or imerovergnt for any reason mes omdttod or illegelloy inaltidd in the contruct for the same, Dr tgoilse onds objections to offer or any reason to advance. why bonds should. not to loosed. in the amount set forth. in the deeleration And statement on. file, game inmon duly granted gggring, end the varimug protests Dud objections revang teen ltal and regularly heard, weighed aged considered, nnw. thgrofore be it DISSOLYM, determined are. deadered by "the CitE Dorman of the CitE Aar:angle that, in the opinion of the Corneal, trot sold. work has been DoaglEted and. performed bcoording 14 ths contrmm in a good and "oubstentiel manner, ana that said murk be u)hi the same is hereby ecceed; that ethe.smongt of the contract price for the doing of said WiDrk and ingugorment is Twenty-eight Thousand Sing OUndred Elafty- three alai E/100 Dollehro (4E2,953.65) ,and that abg amount of .tle incidental expenges ttommoO urd of the proonodfmgs tfonmefor, whDgh are to be. charged against and to be fluid by the contractor, ore Five hUndred Ninety-six and 311/100 Lgliara GOE95.38). The aggregate ormaint for Thich bonds arm to to issued to the cortractor,or hitt usgeigna is Smuntyoning Thossane le)ve Hundred Fifty and 03/10 Dollars (0)2150.0.2). Theis resolution onE order shall be entered In. full upon. thE Alnutes of tbg Souncila I, tbb andgroigned, bbreby certify tbo foregoing Desolation. ars duly and regularly introduced .and adopted by the Council of the City of A.IMBla regular meatOme sosemrigd on "fog 19th day DE Argust, .1930, by ttE followbog vote, to -witb AsSe; Uornollmen aroderser, Celmett, hgnsirg, antrum and Proulgent Schaefer, (g). NOES: None. 23620T; NOn.Q. IN bOSTIMODY 1=02, I have hbreunto set my hand and uffiagd thm of a fielaldsgal. of soli city trio 20th day of. Asongt, 223.0t (6sel 0 its any od Altrses) E. VARODIS, °sty, (111777-77.trao 1 rumgbE cmrtify thet the forego:1nm is a fell, trou ard mormout novE of'ERSDOLUTION NO. 1625 IN 2= 44)O:1'T7111 CI THE DOZEISITION AND ILIDOVECOUT DIAS:SIGS NO. 3 Oa IDE CITY .4' 4) RESOLUTION AND TIDAL SADDER 74144444 .4 TEA) .golun, passed ts °to r'orrcil o' the Ott, of Aloggdo in rogninf. restino oraelblod or eta "a't roe on amegat 1930. 334 441 40444