Resolution 01530RESOLUTION NO. 1530 SUBMITTING CERTAIN CHARTER AMENDMENTS AND fROPOSALS BY THE COUNCIL 02 THE CITY OL ALAMEDA TO TH tTORS THEREOT, SAID CHARTEN AMENMENTS AND TRONSALS TO BE VOTSD uFor AT SPECIAL ELECTION 20 BE HELL 23 SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1930. WHEREAS, the Council of the Oity of Alameda, on its own initiative, desires to submit to the qualified elector of said city the charter amendments and proposals hereinafter set forth: That Section 1 of Chapter I, Article IV, of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to rd as followS: Sec. 1 - Auditor. An auditer shall be elected at the general municipal election. He shall hold office for four year nd until hie successor is elected and qualified. He shall be ex-officio assessor and redemption clerk. His compensation for all services he may render the city shall be fixed by the Council and anal' not ba less than three thousand six hundred dollars per annum. He may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts he and his bondsmen anon be rebponsible. That Section 10 of Chapter II, Article IV, cf the Charter of the City of Alemeda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 10 - Treasurer. A treasurer shall be elected at the general manicipal election. He shall hold office for or years and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be ex- officio tax and license colleotor. His compensation for all services he may render the city shall be fixed by the Couneil and shall not be less then three thousand six hundred dollars par nnom. He may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts he and hia tbndsmen shall be responsible. That Section -13 of Chapter II, Article rv, of the Charter of the City of Alameda be emended to read as follows: Sec. 13 - Tax and license collector. Ao tax end license ool- lector he shall perform such duties es are prescribed by this charter, by ordinance and by general low. That Section 16 of Chapter III, Article IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be emended to read se follows: Seb,16 - City ?e'er to eetimate sxpenses. On or before the first Tuesday in August in each year the City Manager shall trans- tit to the Council an estimate of the expenses of the city govern.- meat for the ensuing fiscal year, stating the amount required to meet the interest and sinking fund for all outstanding funded debts, and the wants of all departments, in detail, sho1na specifically the amount neceseary to be apportioned to each fund in the treasury; also an estimate of the income from fines, licenses and other sources of revenue, exclusive of taxes on property; also the probable amount required to be levied end raised by taxation. That Sectlon 10, Article VII of the Charter of the City of )1aasd e he amended to read as follows: Sec. 10 - Any charge brought against a member of the pollee Department or fire department, who has been in the service of the city for five years, shall be heard by the City Manager, and he shell determine the punishment or penalty to be liven in the case. Said penalty may include dismissal from the depnrtnent. In the event of dismissal, but not otherwise, the discharged person shall have the right to present his case before the police and fire hoard of appeals, which board is hereby establiehed. Said board shall consist of the Mayor and two freeholders of the city who shall serve without compensation, end be appointed by the council, said appointment being for a term of two yeare. No state, county or city offioial Isbell be eligible for appointment. In tho case of the first two appointed hereunder, lots shall be drawn for a one year term and a two gear term, and thereafter one member shall be appointed each year. A majority vote shall control. That See•v:ior; a, Artiole of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to rand as follows: Sec. 3 - The board shell organize by electing a president and appointing; 8 secretary. Two shall constitute a quorum. They shall hold a regular meeting on the evening of the second 'i nesday of each month et eight o'clock in the office of the Je- partmetit of Public titilities, and shall hold such other meetin's us they shell determine. That Article YII of the Charter of the City of Alameda re- to "Alcoholic Liquors" to repealed. That Article ,III and Article 'l, IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended 20 that the some will read ro::_eective- ly Article XII and Article `:III. Shall the Board of bublac Utilities of the Cite of Alameda operate and no sting In and 0e capitol i.nvestmen .Uundred and Sixty -fs. anicipal bus transportation system oper- of Alameda, at an. approximate initial Three hundred Fifty -eight Thousand, Two Dollars (0358,265.)7 That the City of Alameda grant and convey to the United of America forever all that certain tract of land situate he City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, °ibed as follows, to wait, CO11W3 CI G at the point of intersection of the center line of Dennison Street and the center line of ging Street in the 'ditty of Oakland, and running thence South 830'07' West along the center line of Dennison Street extended southwesterly a distance of 1,703.55 feet; thence North 85° 58' West a distance of 283.01 feet, to the true point of beginning of the tract of land herein described; running thence North 30 50' 55" West 600.94 feet thence 'North 540 21' 28" West 1217.83 feet, thence South 356 38' 32" ;Vest 463.70 feet, thence South 54° 21' 28" East 1600.00 feet to the true point of beginning. All bearings ere true bearings, the tract of land above described containing 15,000 acres of land situated on Government Island in Brooklyn Basin, Oakland Harbor, sometimes known end designated as the Estuary of SEn ' ton.io, upon the following terms and oonditicns, to wit: That the existing lease between the United States of America and the City of Alameda be cancelled, and that all buildings now used for Government purposes will be entirely removed from that portion of Government Island not deeded to the United States as soon Offer the oanoelletion of the lease as sufficient housing fee are provided on the deeded portion, and in any event will be removed within a period of ie months after the ceneel'latior of the lease, and that a set back line of two hundred feet he observed along the south- ern 'Eater front, parallel with the channel to allow widening of the channel at this or sortie future time, either by the government or other parties, and that the government have full assess and free ed between that portion deeded and the deep onta e. That the City of Alameda grant and convey to the United Ststea of America forever all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Alameda, County of :Alameda, State of California, de- scribed as follows, to emit; C0M'.00CING at a point on the n.ortherly boundary line of the City of Alameda, eaid point balm; Sus north of Station #179, oh the 1'- sralte Grant Line, as said station end lire are shown on that acrtain map untitled "Map of ;Alaa`da Marsh Land" filed July 30, 1900, in map book 25, on pages 74 to 78, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, California, and running thence' due south to Station f179 on the i'ernclta Grant Line; thence southerly following along the ;°cralto Grant Line to a point where said Yeralte Grant Line is inter- sected by the northwesterly boundary line of Tideland Lot `6, in Section. 10, Township 2 South, Range 4 West, Mt.Diablo Base and Mer- idian, as said line and lot are shown on that certain reap entitled "Mn p No. 2, Salt Marsh and Tidelands, situate in the County of Alameda, State of Salifornia ", surveyed under the direction of G. I±'. A1lerdi, Chief Engineer, and filed in the office of the Surveyor General -of )the -State of California; _o_nia; thence southwesterly in a direct lire to the most cfeeterly corner of Tideland Lot No. 16, in Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 4 West, as shown an said Tideland Map theace .5. le 02' W., 7500 ft., more or leee to the aouthweet bounder' line of the City of Alemeds; thence northwesterly a- long the southwest bounder line of the Cey of Alemede,5400 ft., more or leee to e point; thence N. 16 02' E., 9900 ft., more or less to the northerly boundary line of the City of Alameda (the last mentioned °puree passes through the north- east corner of the property leased by the City of Alameda to Chadwick Thompeon end. Virgil G. Skinner, ander date of 3uguet 7, 1928); thence easterly along the northerly boundary line of the City of Alameda 4000 ft., more or less to the point of commencement. CONTAINING 1100 acres of land more or less, subject to Ordinance No. 413, duly passed end adopted by the Board of .Truetees of the City of Alameda in regular meeting on the lath day of Innuary, 1904, granting to the Centrel 2ecific Reilwey Comeany, e teilwey corporation, and its successors and eeeigna, o certain franchise for the operation of e railway. The pro- visions of said Ordinence are hereby specifically referred to and made a part hereof for ell intents and Purposes, upon the following terma and coneitiono, to wit: That said grant of lend be accepted by the United States of America as an ermy air base site, on or before Vetch 1, .1931, and that the eum of et least Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) Dollars be appropriated by the Congress of the United States of Amerioa to covet initial improvements and development of the property described herein, sell abetter amendments end proposals to be submitted at a special election to be held in said. City on Tuesday, November 4, 1950; 505, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVEDee follows: Section 1. A special election is hereby .:celled end ordered to be held in the City of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesdey, November 4, 1930, for the pureose of submitting to the quelified electors of said City the charter amendments and proposels above referred to, in words and figures as follows, to wit: ZROITeITION NO. 1. That Section 1 of Chapter I, Article IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read es follows: Ceo. 1. - Auditor. An auditor shall be elected et the general municipal election. He shell bold office forI four years end until his successor is eleoted aria quelified. He shall be ex-officio assessor end redemption clerk. His compensation for ell services he may render the city shall be fixed by the Council and shall not be less than three thousand six hundred dollars per annum, He May appoint one or more duputies for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall be responsible. PROHOSITION PO. 2 That Section 10 of Chapter II, Article IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 10 - Treasurer. A treasurer shall be elected et the general municipal election. He shell hold office for four years and until his euecessor is elected end quelified. He shell be ox-officio tax and license collector. His compeneation for all services he may render the city shall be fixed by the Council and Shell not be less than three thousand six hundred donors per annum. He may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts he end his bondsmen shell be responsible. PROPOSITION N0 3 That Section 13 of Chapter II, Article IV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read aa follows: 5eo. 13 Tax and license collector. As tax and license collector he shall perform such duties as are prescribed by this charter, by or- dinance and by general 1HW. PROPOSITION NO. 4 That Section 16 of Chapter III, Article T7, of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to real en bllows: Sec. 16 - City Manager to estimate expenses. On or before the first Tuesday in August in each year the Oity Mnager shall transmit to the Council 2fl estimate of the ex- penses of the it government for the ensuing fiscal year, stating the amount required to meat the interest and sinking fund for n11 outstanding funded debts, and the wants of all departments, in detail, showing specifically the amount necessary to be apportioned to each fund in the treasury; also 2n estimate of the income from fines, licenses and other sources of revenue, exclusive of taxes on property; also the probable amount required to be levied and raised by taxation. POSITION NO. 5 That Section 10, Article VII of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to rend as follows: 0a@eeMe094.0 6640004@a". sec. 10 - Any charge brought against a .1ES member of the police dereitment or fire de- e@mmmommomm4 partment, who has been in the service of the °NO • city for five years, shall be heard by the t@Obelem•mmom City Usnager, and he small determine the punishment or penalty to be given in the case. Said penalty may include dismissal from the department. In the event of dismissal, but not otherwise, the discharged person shall have the right to present hie case before the police and fire board of appeals, which board is hereby established. 5916 board &ail consist of the mayor anal two freeholders of the city who shall nerve without compensation, and be appointed by the council, ssid appointment being for e term of two years. No state county or city official shall be eligible for appointment. In the case of the first two appointed hereunder, lots shall be drawn for e one year term end a two year term, and there- after one member shell be appointed each year. A majority vote shell control. PROPOSITION NO. 6 Thot Section 3, Article X of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sen. 3 - The board shall organize by electing a president and appointing a secre- tnry. Two shall oneddtute a. quorum. They shall hold e regular meeting on the evening of the second Wednenday of each month at eight o'clock in the office of the Deportment of Public Utilities, end shell hold such other meetings as they shall determine. .0.1,4@mMOI—M04, • YES . BomtseamMaxm* 00090.. del" PROP03ITIO8 NC. 7 That Article XII of the Charter of the City of Alemedu relating to "Alcoholic Liquors", be repealed PROPOSITION NO. 9 Tiot Article XIII and Article XIV of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended so that the same shell read respectively Article XII and Article XIII. PRONOSITION NC. 9 Shall the Board of Public Utilities of the City of Alameda oparats and maintain a municipal bus transportation system operating in and out of the City 994e9999999 of Alameda, et an approximate initial capital invest- ment of Three adndred Fifty-eight Thousand, Two Nun- . 10 dyad and Sixty-five Doll5ra (358,265)? PROPOSITION NO. 10 That the City of Alameda grant and convey te the United States of America forever fifteen (15) acres of the land situate on Government Island in Brooklyn Basin, sometimes known and designated as the Zatuary of San Antonio, upon the following terms and . conditions, to wit: That the existing lease between the United States of merios and the City of Alameda he cancelled, and that all buildings now used for Government purposes will be entirely removed from that portion of Government Island not deeded to the United 'States 82 000A after the con- ........... cellation of the lease as soffieient housing focil- ities sr O provided on the deeded portion and in any . YES . event will be removed within a period of 18 monthe ........... after the oancellation of the lease, and that 8 set beck line of to hundred feet be observed along the . 10 southern water front, parallel with the channel to 0999.999999 allow widening of the channel at this or some future time, either by the government or other parties, srid that the government have full access and free lee of all land so situated between thnt portion deeded and the deep water frontage. PDOITSITION VO. 11 That the City of Alameda grant end convoy to the United States of Americo forever 1100 acres of land, more or less, situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, for an army air 'Lase sits, subject to franchiee granted to Centr51 Pacific ........... 11ai1usy Company, upon the following terms and conditions to wit: . YES That said grent of land be accepted by the United ........... States of America as an army eir btee site, on or before . March 1, 1931, and trust thh SUM of ut least Five Hun- . '0 Bred Thousand Dollars be appropriated by the Congress 9*09.909494 of the United States of America to COVET initial im- provemmnts end development of the said property. Sec. 2. The special election hhrety ()ailed and ordered to be held shall be held and conducted, the votes cast thereat received and can- vassed, and the returns thhreof made and the result thereof ascertained, determined and declared as heroin provided, and in all particulars not recited herein, according to the laws of the State of California pro- viding for and governing elections in the City of Alameda and the polls for such election hall be and remain open during the time required by said laws. Sao. 3. The election precinote for the holding of said special election shall be the same as those established by the Board of Supervisors ofrAlaMeda' "county for the belling of state and county elections, and the polling places for said precincts and the election officers thereof shall be. the some as thee appointed for thn cooduet of Inc eencrel November election to be held on said day. The Oity clerk is hereby directed to procure all supplies thst may be necessary to properly and lawfully conduct said election. The City Clerk la also directed to Lublieh or in the SLIED TIMES-STAR, a daily newepaper of general circulation published and cir- culated in soli city, the aforesaid charter amendments and proposals; he shall olsp cause copies of said charter amendments end proposale to be printed in convenient pamphlet form, and shall, until the day fixed for the election upon said charter amendments and proposals ea. herein stated, advertise in the foregoing newspaper c notice that ouch copiee may be had at his office in the Oity Hall upon application therefor, He shall also clause. to be printed e proper and sufficient syropsiz of S9ij charter amendmente and proposals upon tha sample ballot o end the official ballots to be 'deed et said election, az required by lay. I, the Underaigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Oouncil of the City of Alameda in Beadier meeting assembled on the 2nd day of September, 1930, by the following vots, to wit; AYES; Councilmen Broderaen, deioutt, Henning., Latham end I!res- ldant Schaefer, (5). NOES: None. ASSENT: None. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hond and affixed the official Seal of said city this NErd day of September, 1950. (Leal of thn City of Alameda) W. E. VARCO1 City Clerk of the SiTy I hereby certify that the 'foregoing is full, true end correct copy of "RESOLUTION NO. 1530 - SUBMITTING CERTAIN °BARTER AMENDMENTS AND PROPOSALS BY MRS COUNGIL OT THE SITE OT ALAMEDA TO THE ELEOTORL TNSTALOE, SAID CHARTER IPMENDMENTS AND PROPOSALS TO 31E GOTED UPON AT A SLECIAL ELLETION TO BE NBID IN SAID SIVE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1930", passed by the Cou.noil of the Oity of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the.2nd day of Sep- tember, 1930. ' —the ' 47 of- Alameda,