Resolution 01531RES01332I012 NO. 1531
TO THE =ORAL 21933
RESOiVED, by the Qounoil of the 21t9' of Alameda, that there
be and there is hereby transferred from the 3lectric Light (Tund to the
General Tund, the sum of 9wo Thousand Nino Hundred and One and 23/100
Dollars, (42,901.23) es a dividend, eame being the amount equal to thm
city lighting bill for the month ending Jane 30, 1930.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to mi/e
osid transfer upon their respective books.
the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Reso-
lution was duly And regularly introdneed and adopted by the QounAil of
the City of Alameda in rmgular meeting assembled on the 2nd lay of Sep-
tember, 1930, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Gooncilmen Broderson, Oaleutt, Henning, Loth and pres-
ident Schaefer., (5'.
NOES: None.
112 TOSTIMANY WITOCROOPT, I have hereunto set my hand one affipued
the official seal of 2:91.5 city this 3r a. day ol" September, 1930.
W. 3.
(Seel of thA (City of Aawneda) aity-Trark 012 the-01tY Anil:suede
I hereby oertify th.nt tan foregoing is s' full, true ond correct .
copy of "RE5OLUTION NO. 1531 - 23 53'R1± .112,901,23 ?ROM T}-2 11 1±3
ITCHY NUNN TO THE OTTNERAL TUNDT, passed by the 'Council of the Gity of
Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 211d. dsy o12 SePteMber, 1950.
x-071;137477741W 5Y-aumeaso