Resolution 01533RLISCISTION NC, 15336
LSTERMINIEG THB RATE An 1.11711G IRE Taili 196L-31
RESCL111 ond determined by the Council of theaCity of
Alameda that the rpts of city taabs to be levied. ond col/oted. -upon
the assessed val.:dation of the property eppbaring on Lae assessment
book pf paid :city for the current fiscal year 1930-31 19 and the some
is *hereby 1'1x:ed:at one hundre5 andivinst-sis sowts (196) on. esoh one
hsndreddollars 0100.00, of property; Snd. be it furrh:Ls
RELOLV$D, that the hortion of the whole of said rote. which
shell belong to eaoh. partieplar fund of the city, and the portions
thereof belonging to each special surposeor bonded indebtedness of the
city bp, and the same are hereby specifiedfand desianatel as follows, to
Gereral :Tund
interest ond Redemption .2600
East Bay Muniairel ltilits
.0974 Distript ..„...„.„.„
Street Deportont
Total for 1onicipal
purboses 1,6710
School Department„....„,—... .5890
R663011615D, that a tax in the total amount of 1 and 96/150
Dollars (1.66), as abOVG set forth. be, bnd tle &Sine. is hereby levied
for raising the necessary' revenLe of said pity for said fiscal year.
I, the undereised, hereby certify that thb foregoing Res-
:Dilution was duly and regbigirly '1. 1)1 and adopted bw t16 Connell of
the City of Alproeda in roviciar meeting abeembled on the 15th day of
September, 1930, by thb following vote, to wit:
10 11 Salcutt, Hbriniag, Mathdii end president
33 hsefe3, 6 (41.
NO35: Nose .
ANS3N1: Gounoilman. Broder:cat:, (1).
IN 13011111119 911E9102, I have herb:into set my hand. wad affixed
the official. seal of said pity this 17th. doy of Segbembes, 1930.
(Seal of the Sity of Alameda)
11A - 0 one Sits 77170117W-56:7561
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a Ault true and correct
copy of "RESOLUTION NO. 1533, 13' '1 TH6S 11,112 AND LEVYING THE 21X
1930-617, passed by the Sounoil of the Sity of Alembdn in regular meeting
Sssembled on the 16th day of September, 1630.