Resolution 01538R2SOLLTiON NO. L1.538
(EJ3S Sthoet Sewer)
SIERBAS, pursuan-1 . to stoatote and to resolution of the ()it:" Oeunoil.
of the City of Alemadad, said CitR Counril invited sealed nroposals or bids
for furnishing oil thr labor snE !Arterial for constructina 8 proposed etofm
wnter sever on. HARR Street from ..north line of Santa Slava avenue to Tidal Usual,
in snid City, in seebrRance with the plena end specifications heretofore adopted
for doing said work and making said improvement, shish invitation for sealed.
proarSelic•or 'clads waSiduly and remularly pallished an.A. advertised in accordance
with law, a printed copy of whirin invitation entitled "Notice to B3 dLers2 ie
annexed hereto and mrde a part herRoiR shd
WHERRALL the City Council of said Oitya at an adjourned. regular o,eetieg
thereof, he15 on. the 22hd day of September, 1950, publiolp widened, examimed end.
declared all bids received in reenones to said notioe wLich were submitted; and
MLERBAS, all of saidouroposel or bids hetving bean. duly examiaLd aid
conaidehed by the Courril, now, thrrefors, it is hereby
4"i "9", that thr dity Council of the Sits of Alameda hereby. rejects
all of said propoznah or bids emmept that hest hemein mrntiened, and hLreby
awards thm carRract for ScRtg sniS work and making said LArrosmentrt the lowest.
responsible bidder, to wit:
of 1232 - 35th Meehan, Onklaha, CalifornAn, at the prices named ih. his
Ter Linear foot 10 inrh
For Linear foot 15 lash
SLR Lncer• foot. 1 Ranh
Per Linear foot 21 inch
Per Iinsts foot 24 inch
Nanhoiss„ each
Retch Rosins, sash
The Sity Attorney is directed to prepare th43 necessary contract and the
Mayor iB herebR expressly authorised to as'echte arid enter into the same. with the
ausoaseful bidder aforesrtioned.
The City Clerk de herrby direrted to retumn to the unsacceseful bidders
all certified. checks which cocoarnied their raapective bidm.
I, the-undersigned, hereby certify that the feregring Resolution. wan
dnly 8n5 reahlarly intrwdaced and adopted by the 01no1 l of the Oita of Alommda in
ad(limised regular mmetinm assembled on. the L2nd day of Sertembrr, 1950, by the
following vote, to wit.1
4' 41 Bhodersen, Caloatt, Latham and Preoident Osheefor,(4
NOBS: None.
ABSNT, Counoilmen. Henning, (1).
TESTIMM AHERE024 I have. heretsto set my trEL 2114 affland the of-.
ficial seal of said oity Incas 23rd day of Sept(1 mber, 1950.
(Seel of tne Sits of Aleseda.)
4*ITZ7ork Oi the slay pa Asuman:3
I heArbs cortifj that thn arressing is a full, true and (*sheet oopg
of "RELOILTION NO. 1558 - RESOLUTION OR ASARL (Sigh Street Sewer)", pasaed by
the Shannon of the 3ity oT Alameda in. eth(chosned ramulrr moeting assembled on.
the 22nd day of eptember, 193CA