Resolution 01539'RESOICOCION _1639 TRArietlErelli)t) )in,oldemit) alboi web, maadfAos hear) telID 111 EUND. 11357173D, by' the Codnoll of the Oity of illameds thet there be enf there do bereb7 transferred fhb's, the Electric Elbert Tond to The etraral ?and, the of Cline no:bossed end Or/ 100 ilyidaney for the onahrtion of tha mnrjoinal bee ilnas. The buoiter add tro toned:stereo are bbreby ostborined to mobs) said therefor shoo. thole' hospeetteys 'boobs. I, the rebersiened, bebaby certify' thnt the foraybiod Reseirtioh. 'ems duly ord. hasuirrly ibtrodbood and alb:hated ble the) Coteoll ot) thb City of Sasonada in re,suisr mestfesb aseballed OE the 7bb doy of Ootober, 1.930, by the followers Tote, to wit: efiesi Tuoroilson brodorson, Calecit, Haroiny end Lttnen, COSE, 13CCITI: Council-president Schaefer,. (1) IN cdONI) tr.Eavama', bass hatmanto set ny boob doe effibed the oftisial seal of caid city this ath of Clatoban, (Soo' of tbo Cet7 et...needs) '1,1N3V ':116 le o hall, More tod nia Tot :oda tf -a,-;saLualh CO. 15e9 - )7111SEEREIE1 5, id,000.5C tRfeh "LC ebd1u111C tdetti `1. C1Cblies ttb1".„ tessed by tb( Searal) tta dtt7 Cloned!) ld rasober doet)tto ossambled ea nhe 7th day of Catotan, 11CC, Lc, ste falflytiljetT7R76-Ii.