Resolution 01548RESOIT1TICIT NO.
ARCMS, (he Sutchede Ria.e.r of thh "hearse has sundehle tnheh
froh our midst oar loeml. friend, ahni esteemed fellow citizeni CIMINO
beeddR115R. omr lots friend mid fellow citimon hod th.o inteihnst
of the city ot heart ot nil times, in th8t he ease Rhea le of him tihm
and knowledgm, to imrroom our citty, hmtted its gowmchmet Red promote the
welfare of its citdieens; end
•hadetedal di him strhne,. :per sm usIdl, dm OT d 2 1 01.3it es, es:shah:Knee
choirseter end sterlebg irdinerity wob :for him the high esteem cad steed:Post
soafidmnoe, amt only of his iadleridasa. frleads, but also of tags whole
NON ThEREfORE, BC 10 RKSOINELL thrt se the City Council, in
postal:sr smssion anossmbledi °hareem our deem sorrow for tam lose the City
of' niodeda oad its People have eastoined, nnd thbt gt, rmeord in our rad:antes
the foot that tho City of Ilanicem has lost o good dad derieht citiman, whose
unselfish devotion to Oar city's interest gill bs nebeendRhe"; "Rad.
CC IT b7=1"de RSIERBEED, thmt cope of Memos,. resolutions soh oux,
sincere sempothe be extended tm ens bmrooved fcronle of the decedent, and
thot whmo thm adjoorms this mmetheig each 8djaarnmrint shold. be ont
of respect to thb memory of our fellow ett:leen, ERSSRD KIMBERLIN TAYLOR.
She aboem resolatima wbo neoptoe shad gassed by s umbalemas
fehmi ro not e of the LK:geoid of 'Mho Cite of' Altadrahl8 in. re gm isce sCht ng
nasms"Pled on the dist any of OeMobor,
IN diRefIECble adERROS, 1 hose hereubto smt me hand end affitmd. tle"
official seal of said cite third ihind. dole af hatobbr, 1930.
(Seal of doe Kite elomethd",
01F:Fe: ;57:77:1-7:71FHTFT--
I hereby schtied tact the foregoRR i,e a full, trae and cafecet
copy of -a-E.3oI.,u?IoN NO, didd,40, IS' REMOTE ()T 3IfehRD KIRDERKIE I,i,I1RR", es ammd
by the (Ismael:1 of the jibe, of dianmaa la egnmelter meeting assembled on the
edtet day of Omtcher, 1930(