Resolution 01566RESOLUDOSIT NO .566
(Resolution. of intyntion No. 96,
Now Serie8).
WIEREASE the Council of the Oftty of ,KD9eneda did, on the 6th done of
November, 1930, poss its Resolution of intention No. 96, U. Sey, to order certain
work to be done and improvement to be made La said City um.der and in. pnredonce
of the "IsTrovement Apt of 1.911", the names of th.0 streets end. higimmays p 1313—
posed tc., be improked, the location arEl, character of said proposed work and the
assesomEnt district lkstag describod i.e. said resolution, of intention, which is
hereby ehpressely rfersted to far all ihgetaher saltioulonhi
AND DEBREAS, certain. owners of property liable to be assessed for
said. work mado written yketkots or objections in writing ead. dhliyorod the. some
to the clerk not later than the hour oat for Desming ouch objections;
AND =RDAS, at the timo sot for hearing protests or objections th.0
Staid Council proceeded to hear the sane, end all of said. protests or objections
having been heard and duly doneadered, end sold Council tt7lng resmired to po9es
upon tho SttIG it is hereby
RE110I'VED by tho Council of the Git,74 of dlamokfa that all of the sold
protests and objections of -every kind or noturo be, and. the same are hereby
overruled. and denied,
R3930IN439, further, that 821id Council Dind that 9919 protests oke mado
"by the oehera of more thah ohe,.-;kalf of the area of the property to be ossesmd.
for sold isopmeYements.
I, the gadersigmed, hereby certify. thott the foregoing Resolution. was
duly and regularly' int:ooduced 3 nd. agloinbed by the Council of tho Oity of'Alamode
in adjourme1 1. 13 13 essembled on tDo 13th day of January, 193:1, by
the following 'vote, to wits
AYE'S: Councilmen 33 '3'P Onloatt„ Henninek Esthete. on.d President
;jokey:fey, (5).
NOBS: None.
19EEnT: Ione.
9f04941n09449 vdPh90493 . I hare htirounto set 'dee hand ash affixed the
official soml. of staid ciEs this 15th. day of january, 1931.
(Seal of the 01E7 of AlmEmE4970 01a797977 the 7977 Ahem:477E77E-
I herete ohmtify that the f,)ramc 4ng is a dull, tree a nd correct
act:4 f 11 3991M44I93 70. 155d — RDSCIEDTC3 OV3R1 PIIN a -2Re 753 (Ro 2 09c ti en
of-Intention, Ida. 971, Ikhe Cerise)", pat:a-dike the '3' _3 of the City of
Aiamede is adjourned regular hooting assembled ou the 1349h day C22 Jernahry,
oote of9,
(51.1tohnITh ok ehe Ul4Iy