Resolution 01569RELCILINCIaN NC. 1569. GRANTING A. PER1111 FOR A NISEGOE TO SELL S021 DLIT= WHEREAS, an application has been made by .the pers0 n. hereinafter name1 . for a permit to sell noneintoxichting boverxxes, commonly celled soft drinks, iw the City of Alameda, in accordance with the hrovisionh end ree quirements of Ordinthhe NO. 262, .N. S., of said city, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the 0') of the City it Alameda, that a. permit be mad it is hhreby gcsanted and a license is hereby authorized to be issued under and in pc-reliance to the provisions of said ordinance authorining the sale and dispensation of nonsintosicating bevereces, commonly sailed soft drinks, hy the followingiscrson and at the followiss place to wits pAmz Lcura E. Albert PLACE' 1235 :Sark Street. RESOLVED, that the iihense collector be, and he is hereby auttbs orized and directed to iSSIIR a license to „3 °Ci person under the provisions of asid ordinance and upon thh pacisnent by seid pets.* to scid city of CKamoda of the lioench tax pf al5.00 per ytar ox fraction thereof, payable in ad/lochs. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly nnh reguihrly introduced and shorted by the Council of the City of Alameda. in adjourned regular maetlng assembled on the 13th day of January, 1931, by the followithe tote, to wit: ANTS'S: Councilmen Broderoons Onlcutt, Hennic4,, Latham an.d President Schaefer, (5).. OES: None. ASti1 Nene, IN TESTIMKTK MERKOF, Nava hereunto Get. my heKe and uffithd the offIcial seal of said city. this 16th day of Janus:cc, 1931e W. E. VARCOB„ (Seal of the Sity of Alasada) City GiorN ohl*t.he JI1775=171 2 hereby certify thht the foregonsg is a full, true and correct espy of'"RESOINGICK NO. 1E69 --: GRINNING X PEEWIT FOR K LICENSE TO SELL EGET DRINKS", messed by the Council oti the Uity of Alameda in adjourned regular meeting essemblea. on the 13th day of Jannory, -