Resolution 01572MTAGANTIof PO. _lcltMd_
(Third dtroot)
WEEREC131 the Citr Nohnoil or the Chlry of Alameda aid, on the 5th
day of November, 1930, hess its Resolution of Intern:Mort No. T6 , to order
the hnrtiorattar described. aark to bm doma atid iscidpwomeht to be mac in. said
ONty, which. Resolutich. of Intention. was duly nnd legally -published no rachired
by lnyg as arTrers from the affidtvit of RobortAN. Ireraer, now oh. file La the
offich of' the Clerk of said edtr: ana, whereas, notices of the nussage of onia
Resodntion of detention No. 96 Amfm, headed "Totite of improvement", were duly
cud. legally posted along the lint cf said contemplated whrh•and impidvament and
in front' of all the ere-party liable to be assessed theraThr, and on and ninny,
each and everr peen street and nig:Away in. the EA.S.S.08.SElent distrUnt described in
J aid Resolution. of Intention, in tiro,. form, =storm,' mad. =bar as resulted. by
law,. after the cazzathe of snid Resolution of Intmation, as appears from tho
a.fnadarl of Lech C. Nelsen, who meheratily rested the same, and who, Pron, the.
ohms:lotion of the...posting. of..said. notices, fertddwNth filmd suid affidavit in
the officla of the. Clerk, caskimy oath. thtt he comOofted the preting of said
notices on the 7th. drr of N.:Dye:caber, 1930; and, whereas, all protests or objec
tioho presented. have been heord. and disersecl. of in time, form and Mall:11,9r as
reaoired flaw, and muid City Nouptil having nnw acquired jhrisdlrtiou to order
the prorosed irmrovement, it is hereby
RUSCITM, that ths eublic interest tand coanmultnape require the work
herein described and the Ont:r eachoil of the City of' AlAmedo 11. orders the
frOMMYming work to be done end icuuNesememe to be made in said Gity,to wit:
TEnt Third Street, from. the curtherly limo of :enclitic Avenue to the
os merle dtreate Ma improved os follow:ay
That said. street, within. thm limits aforementioned, be graded, and
hate coclhroth curbs, gattere, gutter bridides and sidearints clonetrnoted 1.-daeon;
aloo oorrazola ialvorts be constructed therein of the numar, adze
And location. shown on the flans horeinaftor referred. to; else thst the roadway
02 acid street, within the limits sknhamhatiched, be paved. with a. siminch oil
macadam pavmment.
All of said work ahell be done in amoordspha with the plans, profiles,
detailed drawings, and specifications Adopted therefor, rock:arcade to which ia
hereby mcdt-for thh null ond. ddtaitied description of the saiM. 'proposed gorn LiflA
itunowtonehd, and the cradms tb which said work ia to be dune.
The dity Couroil herein/ determihes and declares and notice is hereby
gAven, thst serinl bonds shall be issued to represent each assessment of twenty
five dollars 02 MD26 rentimihg norhid for thirty durn aTtor the date of the
whrront, 2aid bonds shell besr interest at the rnte of seven 1,7) -her oent par
ahnum, rah. oholl awtend 07er pclried hot to exceed nine roars 1Anym the second.
day of Janhary neat succeeding the fifteenth dny of the intact eorember followipg
their date.
The ditty Clerk is Perebr ihstrunted to post a Notice of said hhnat, toad
gether wPM4 the plans and specifications therefor, oPespicohusly dor five dayys
on or nrar the Oonacil Ohamber door of said. Council, inviting sealed proposals
or bida Zor doing the wmrk ordered. Said Ulerk is also directed to aubineh
thice, u notice inviting such prorrealey anduclefarring to the specifications
ponted or on. file, ir the Alsmeda TimesC5fau1 a. duily newspaper published and
circulated in. said City and hereby desk:canted for that purpose.
All proposals or rids ;chola be 10 11 a check etrelle to the
City of Altmea, certified. by a rooronsible bank, for on. humhot hhich shall not
be lass thah ten per cant of the aggregate of the prohossi, OT by a bond. far the
said amount and so yhyabla, signed by the bidder 2111 two sureties, who shEll
Testify, before any oigtirer eompetent to sclninloter an oath, in doable the said
Smohnt, nid over Ake abode cal statutory amotclurtions,
Stid scaled hroposclla dr bids. shall be IPPtcored to the Otty Clork
of the dity Goahcil of swid City, on or beikm.:e 8:00 cIaloch TuM., on Thmsday,
the 17th day of februery, iddi, said tAmc bring not 'less tnnr. ton dayo from the
time of the first costihh snd tblication of fee rodrice on said. work shA ipvitinh
honied hromosals, OA whiah dor nail ..ou.r all. aropoonis or bias will 0 publicly
coerced by said Cite, Ochhoil.
I, the undersigmed, hereby certify that the forego:ley Rodeo lotion
wo a T oaf regmlo :fly intro al).916 a DTA.1. n dor te d by the guard il f the 0 ity
cif Alameda in regular 'meeting assembled. Oh the 2305 any on? January, 1931,
hy the followini vote, to wit:
ddridSt Oeuncihmen Brodormen, Colloott, Hemming, Latham. on? Pres")
'dent diromelar, (0)0
30)351): itbne.
ABSE102: 1)Tone.
IN T5937I)ICITY MEREfto, I have horeunto tot hw hand ond affixed the
offeclait seal of said. city thie 21c1 day of January, 19310
teteol of the Ctity of Alameda)
di 9
go the, .71.17:7777-30.7F
I hereby certify.. thet the foregoing is trhe and colTect
no of "REMOLUII070 1.00„ 1572 tiEBOIMMION ORDER! I0 THE ,.)10Rit (Third Street)",
amodeci by the douncil of thn ditto of Almixgdo in regular mectiug; cecombled. on
-the 2,0th Otto of dattoomay, 19310