Resolution 01586RESOLU TIDE NO3 18E6 TRON8DERDIThe 8,0,000.0.0 ELMO THO ELDE18,10 IIERP2 AM1 TO TEE 0011211, FUND. RES OLVED, by tho doom oil of tho Oit y of Adores do. that the re be e no there is he re by t Tenor e rpm d from t he Ed se tri Ldght Tund t o the Gene pal Tom the arm of Twenty tho u sand and • 00 /100 ollars, 020 EDO. CD ) dividend. Dhe Audi t or e .10 the Ty em su r e v aye her ely e o th or is e d tm malD se id transfer upon their respe et ive books. 1, the luta o ys voRR;.., he h s1r op vtd thot the To:v.:hop i ag RomkEUMemon yam a y a Ind e eris sly intro du e d. a nE. edolMahl by the. 0 o she 1 of this. 0 ty of S O L o srmla r .OFZU.IEr mosth ror a 9 1 led on the 17th. day o dis rob, IT9 3.1, by t he To ilorY. ng vot A YE 3 o urk hm e Isdhi r o e r, dim 1 c a tr Herr:MTh g La thmm ens. President Sohm &Loy (58 :co 3: hone. AD RENT : None . L. 11132180TY WITL1T.01„ I hmt e Tahrmmor o set my 112110, and a fRix s th o ST i oda 1 setoR of. so i d mrlyr t hi s 18th. trks o f kE reds, 19E1. Oral of tsoo, Oitv .2112, rrx TAR 00E TTrdEttemseessmervokhr t'L7-717 rileTaTi7 hereby e yt if r t ha. t the f orevErk.Re is a full, t roy. ohd oo yr set o o rk of "Rdk3 TO811 .0T . 1586 TraarvEall if 0, 820 , OCD, CD 22011 Taaa DIED T RID IPTDo 7 REID TO THE eRLDL8PS RUNDE , passed Iy t ho 0 o unk il of t to o 0 it y of Ekon gmduks meet i ns 2 S mba ed on the 17 th dm y o f laaaa Ea , 19.11k 'Cy ....f