Resolution 01605RE3SOLUTION NO. 1E05 TRANE=RING 1.00 VRCE TEE .4 JISIT1ON 1ND IETROVENEET NOND f0 NAVERAL NUND RESOLVED, 1. the Council of the City of Alamnina, thet there be end there is hErebv trenzferred from the Acquisition and Improvement nband. to the Gong Edel Auld, the sum of Ave Thous:Ea, Six Hundred and Enghtaen and 00/10( DElla To, 05,618.0E) to repaz) losn made by Resolutdon No. 15IV of the Council, pending nollectionnof 1930.;1 EExes. The Auditor and the Tedaver nre heroby nothorized to make said tronsfer tenon their reppeative books.' the undearsignen, herebon certify thet tho febesgehig EnnEant wen dnly and regolsrly introduced end adopted by the Oohncilof the ditoy of Alameda. repler Meeting essembled on the 16th deg of Einle, 1931, 1 the follow ing got e, te w AYESh Genacidmen. Vrodersen, Sohaefer end President Eonning, (3). NOES, None. AESEUTh Councilmen, Lendeekar and. UnEradg. (2). ER TESTIMONY ealenEleCee, have hereunto set bly hand. and affixEd the. officlal seri of sold city 100Li2 17th ley of June ,1.231. (Seal tho ( :Nty of Alemedo) ; t .73 111';1, f:IA 77737:nott h ebo .0 art ify the t t he for g0 0,7047, 13 a full, trge end °Dry 16 77 "RSSOLUT1ON NO. 2.605 — AltafiTilRING ...,p.13.61e .0o :1'"Rale THE el OCY.:113 TioN AND ELIOROVENIEE. :TUNE TO OttiTIII, FUND" , noosed bzi 'the i- &33. of the City of Alameda regudler meeting assembled on the 1 6th day o J111 1931.