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Resolution 01622
ON lT GRANTING A r r6 IT TO J J �rJi) BANK, A CCRPCFiATIOiT, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND or RAILROAD OAD TRACES UPON, ALONG AND/OR ACROSS YERNSIDE BOULEVARD, VER- Sr°,IL„ES A TEED? AID PEARL STREET IN 7EE CITY NE <LAP. BA COUNTY Cr ALai."EDA , STATE Cis' CALIFORNIA, AND J '0 OPERATE WITH STEAM OR 'ELECTRIC MOTIVi POWER 6L( ,u THE ROTES HEREINAFTER (6LER DESCRIBED. RESOLVED: Bank, e corporation, tain and operate railroad Versailles Avenue and Pearl of California, and to onerote with steam or inafter described routes, to -wit: eby granted to The Oakland construct, reconstruct, ss Fernsi de Boulevard, County of Alameda, State electric :m,otivc oorrer al, ^r the here- TRACK N0. 1: Cantor Line Description of Existing Track along ternside Boulevard. BEGI1_TINC at a point in the most northerly track of the sreseat operated double track electric railway in Fernalde Boulevard distant 138 feet more or less southeasterly measured. at right angles from the southeasterly line of Pearl Street and 36 feet more or less soiithweaterly measured at right angles from the northeasterly line of Fernald© Boulevard; thence westerly along a curve concave to the left a distance of 204 feet more or less to a point in the northwesterly line of Pearl Street distant 85 feet, more or lees southwesterly from the point where the northeasterly line of £r'ernside Boulevard produced intersects the northwest- erly line of Pearl Street. TRACT NO. 2: Center Lino Descr preeen'i"i fox Boulevard d measured at Versailles 3v measured at ri Fernside Boulr -var to the loft a dicta point in Versailles distance of 30 feet m where the northeaster sects the southeasterly n of irorosed Track Along ?ernside Boulevard. oint in. the most northerly tract-: of the double trecr electric railway in Ferneide 138 feet, more or less,northnestorly angles from the northwesterly line of 'and 36 feet more or less, southwesterly, 'es from the northeasterly line of ca easterly along e curve concave 165 feet, more or less, to a ue; thence tangent to said curve e to approximately the point nside Boulevard inter- of Versailles Avenue. TRACK FTC. 3: Center line Vera ard. Av ii of Proposed Spur Traci ue northerly of Fe_.nslde BEGINNING at a petnt in the northwesterly lino of Versailles Avenue distant northeasterly thereon 480 feet more or less from its inter- section with the northeasterly lire of i?ernside Boulevard; thence northeasterly along e curve coircnve to the right, e distance of 70.0 feet more or less to a point in the southeasterly line of said Versailles Avenue distant northeasterly thereon 505 feet more or less from its intersection with said northeasterly line of ernside Boulevard. TRACK NO. 4: Center line Description of Froposed Track across Pearl Street. BEGII <1U 0 at a point in distant than eozi 89 feet point where the nortl intersects the north easterly a distance of southeasterly line of P 150 feet, more or leas, Boulevard. This permit is Dries and other business Citr of Alameda, for the the northwesterly line of Pearl Street more or leas northeasterly from the r1' line of Fernaide Boulevard produced y line of Pearl Street; thence north- 0 feet more or lees, to a'point in the Street, distant thereon northeasterly the northeasterly line of Fernuid° granted for the purpose of connecting warehouses, manufact- industries and enterprises with the lines of railroad in the transportation of freight only. This permit 1_8 granted, provided, that no rolling stook of any descrip- tion whatever be allowed to use the hereivabove described Track No. 2 for any other purpose-then to servee,the Owens-dllinois Glass Company, Ltd., its successors or assigns, or allowed to stand on any track outside of the building or buildings to be built end constituting the plant of said OwensIllinois Glass Company, Ltd.; that Os freight or or cars, locomotive or locomotives of any description whatsoever be allowed to be switched on that portion of Southern Pacifio ComeanF:'s double track line on Pernsido Boulevard east of the switch of said Track No. 2, or to stand on paid double track lino during the switching of cars in or out of the plant of the Owens-iIllinois Glass Company, Ltd. The foregoing permit is granted by the City Council upon the express condition. and understanding that same i8 revocable and may be withdrawn and cancelled pt the will and pleasure of the Council at:any time in the future. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify duly and regularly introduced and adopted by regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of AYES: Councilmen Brodersen, Leyde NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman Murray, (1). IN rEESTIMONY 'eEEREOP, 1 have hereunto seal of said city this 22nd day of July, 1931. that the foregoing Resolution was the Council of the City of Alemsda in July, 1931, by the following vote, to wit: ker, Schaefer and President Henning, (4). (Seal of the City of :llamado) * 0 0 set nv hand and affireed the official W. N. VARCOE • 0 0 A I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy' of "RESOLUTION NO. 1622 GRANTING A PTeRMIT TO 2E2 OAKLAM BAnk, A. CCRiORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO gorsTRucT, RECONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE RAILROA"U TRACKS UPON, ALONG AND/OR ACROSS FERNSID2 BOULEVARD, VERSAILLES AlTENUE AIM PEARL STREET IN THE CITY 02 ALAE2DA, COUNTY 02 AIAYEDA, STATE 0.17 OALIFORNIA, AND TO OPERATE WITH STEAM OR ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER ALONG TEE ROUTES HEREINA2TERDEOCRIDED" passed by the Council of the City of Alameda iniegular meeting assembled on the 21st day of July, 1931. . '0 1 amaaa